That's perfect. Thanks Niels!

On 22-05-15 19:13, Niels Nes wrote:
On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 03:05:58PM +0200, Robin Cijvat wrote:
I am currently working on documenting date/time functionality that
exists in MonetDB and I have run into some problems/questions. I hope
someone can help me out:

1) According to the Temporal Types page (
Documentation/SQLreference/Temporal), there should be a type 'daytime'.
However, the following fails:

    create table t (b daytime); -> type (daytime) unknown in: "create
table t (b daytime)"

Does anyone know whether this feature has been removed or that this is
a bug (or that I am perhaps missing something)?

2) Converting strings to dates works like a charm:

SELECT str_to_date('23-09-1987', '%d-%m-%Y'); -> 1987-09-23

But how about converting strings to times/timestamps:

SELECT str_to_date('11:40', '%H:%M'); -> null
we have str_to_time and timestamp now in default.

I can not seem to find any definitions of built in functions that take
a string and produce anything other than a date.

Thanks in advance!

PS: I am running the latest default branch on Ubuntu 14.04.

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