Hi Stefan,

Thanks for your reply!

We have run the query a few times with different size of data. There we used 16G RAM(actually 13.5G was used), and find the size of 10G's data is the critical point that can run the query. All of the data files' size are listed below, each file name is a table name(there are only a few tables are refered -- store_sales, date_dim, item, customer, catalog_sales, web_sales):

7.4K        call_center.dat
1.6M        catalog_page.dat
212M        catalog_returns.dat
2.9G        catalog_sales.dat
27M        customer_address.dat
64M        customer.dat
77M        customer_demographics.dat
9.9M        date_dim.dat
77B          dbgen_version.dat
149K        household_demographics.dat
328B        income_band.dat
2.6G        inventory.dat
28M        item.dat
61K        promotion.dat
1.7K        reason.dat
1.1K        ship_mode.dat
27K        store.dat
323M        store_returns.dat
3.8G        store_sales.dat
4.9M        time_dim.dat
1.2K        warehouse.dat
19K        web_page.dat
98M        web_returns.dat
1.5G        web_sales.dat
12K        web_site.dat

So we guess that the monetdb has no memory management?

For the output of `mserver5 --version` is:

MonetDB 5 server v11.27.13 "Jul2017-SP4" (64-bit, 128-bit integers)
Copyright (c) 1993 - July 2008 CWI
Copyright (c) August 2008 - 2018 MonetDB B.V., all rights reserved
Visit https://www.monetdb.org/ for further information
Found 17.0GiB available memory, 40 available cpu cores
  libpcre: 8.38 2015-11-23 (compiled with 8.38)
  openssl: OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016 (compiled with OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016)
  libxml2: 2.9.3 (compiled with 2.9.3)
Compiled by: monetdb@MonetDB-0.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
Compilation: gcc -g -O2
Linking    : /usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64

And the size of processes is not limited.

To let you reproduce the problem conveniently, I'll provide more details here:

you can get tpc-ds from its website(we use version 2.6.0).

Install the tpc-ds, access the directory v2.6.0/tools and run `./dsdgen -scale 10 -dir /home/monetdb/tpc-ds_test_data10G` to generate the data.

When data has been generated,  using the script expe.sh to create tables and load the data. The query script is 123.tpcds.23.sql.(The syntaxs of other queries that tpc-ds generates is not suitable for monetdb all, we don't modify them all when the problem occurred).

One more question, I can't get your reply email, so I don't know how to reply you, for this case, I could only send a new mail echo time.


