# MonetDB 5 server v11.49.8
# This is an unreleased version
# Serving database 'mTests_sql_test_dict', using 8 threads
# Compiled for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/64bit with 128bit integers
# Found 31.303 GiB available main-memory of which we use 25.512 GiB
# Virtual memory usage limited to 8.000 GiB
# Copyright (c) 2024 MonetDB Foundation, all rights reserved
# Visit https://www.monetdb.org/ for further information
# MonetDB/GIS module loaded
# MonetDB/SQL module loaded
# Listening for connection requests on mapi:monetdb://lab05.da.cwi.nl:40913/
# Listening for UNIX domain connection requests on mapi:monetdb:///tmp/mtest-1276439/.s.monetdb.40913
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(120)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create procedure "sys"."dict_compress"(sname string, tname string, cname string) external name "dict"."compress"
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create procedure "sys"."dict_compress"(sname string, tname string, cname string, ordered_values bool) external name "dict"."compress"
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create procedure "sys"."for_compress"(sname string, tname string, cname string) external name "for"."compress"
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "mct20" ("c0" interval day,"c1" bigint,constraint "mct20_c1_pkey" primary key ("c1"))
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "mct20" values (interval '0' second, 0), (interval '777600' second, 1), (interval '604800' second, 2)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "mct21" ("c0" interval day,"c1" bigint,constraint "mct21_c1_pkey" primary key ("c1"))
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "mct21" values (interval '-2' second, -6), (interval '86400' second, 7), (interval '-2' second, 8)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."for_compress"('sys','mct20','c1')
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update mct20 set c1 = mct20.c1 from mct21
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "mct20"
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "mct21"
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "t1" ("c0" uuid,"c1" smallint not null)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: copy 9 records into "t1" from stdin using delimiters E'\t',E'\n','"';
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "t0" ("c0" bigint not null)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: copy 11 records into "sys"."t0" from stdin using delimiters E'\t',E'\n','"';
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t0','c0',false)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t1(c0, c1)(select uuid '7A4A6b8b-e7f9-FA09-5650-6d1c83B1fc69', t0.c0 from t0)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select c0 from t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select c0,c1 from t1
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "t0"
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "t1"
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t2(c0 interval day)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t2','c0')
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t2(c0) values(interval '1586894108' day), (interval '-1000818987' day), (interval '1839469049' day)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: delete from t2
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t2(c0) values(interval '744537356' day)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select c0 from t2
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "t2"
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t2(c0 json, c1 bigint, c2 char(71))
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t2','c1')
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t2(c2, c0) values('', json '["aa","tyu"]'), ('a', json '0.4')
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t2(c0) values(json '[false,false]'), (json 'null')
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update t2 set c1 = 1
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select c0, c1, c2 from t2
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "t2"
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t1(c0 varchar(263))
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t1','c0',true)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t1(c0) values('2104954476'), ('-1781832249')
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: alter table t1 add constraint con2 unique(c0)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select c0 from t1
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "t1"
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create sequence "sys"."seq_8393" as integer
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."t0" ("c0" decimal(18,3),"c1" bigint default next value for "sys"."seq_8393")
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: copy 35 records into "sys"."t0" from stdin using delimiters E'\t',E'\n','"';
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: alter sequence "sys"."seq_8393" restart with 11 no cycle
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t0','c1',true)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0(c1) values(1419068893), (least(json."integer"(json 'null'), sqrt((select distinct 421689172 where true))))
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update t0 set c1 = default
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0(c1) values(718095040), (-598203097), (0), (447346516), (1872246785), (-401674441), (-1541029518),(541285281),(-2111339894),(-2131974587),(-4855319),
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0(c0) values(3), (0.686), (0.454), (0.868),(0.686),(0.5), (0.353), (0.454), (0.54), (0.54), (0.342), (-969122634),(0.2), (0.5), (4),(0.342),
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0(c0, c1) values(0.2342, 1313410006), (2, 1669659098), (0.45, 512732037), (0.768, -1635964182), (0.68, 2),(0.9, default), (0.354, -860428240),
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0(c1, c0) values(-1226601715, 0.545), (313, 0.68),(1613852187, 0.234),(1296111754, 0.75),(-1806857005, 0.767)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update t0 set c1 = default from (select 1) x(x)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t1(c0 string, c1 boolean)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t1','c1')
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "sys"."t1" values ('488630434', true),('7', null),('-', null),('1663155929', null),('0.513881723571404', null),('_', false),('8277e0910d750195b448797616e091ad', null),('16:57:59', null)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select t1.c0 from t1 where not (t1.c1)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select cast(sum(count) as bigint) from (select cast(not (t1.c1) as int) as count from t1) as res
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t1
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table rmct20(c0 bigint)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table rmct21(c0 bigint)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into rmct20(c0) values(40000), (26857000), (127117816000)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into rmct21(c0) values(1510153480000),(1054357633000),(93000),(542168641000),(1963352769000),(855906053000),(1937466219000),(27000),(875025185000)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','rmct21','c0',true)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into rmct21(c0) values(1829991355000),(2073175664000),(1969480299000),(1534889714000)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: (select greatest(rmct21.c0, rmct21.c0) from rmct21) intersect all (select distinct sql_max(737555899, rmct21.c0) from rmct21)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table rmct20
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table rmct21
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "t0" ("c0" inet)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "t0" values (''),(''),(''),(''),(''),(''),(''),
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "t1" ("c0" inet)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "t1" values (''),(''),(null),(''),(''),(''),(''),
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "dict_compress"('sys','t1','c0',false)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: merge into t1 using (select distinct 0.3, sys."network"(t1.c0) from t1) as mergejoined(c0,c1) on true when matched then update set c0 = inet ''
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t1
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t0(c0 boolean primary key)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0(c0) values(true)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t0','c0')
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: merge into t0 using (select interval '9' month from t0) as mergejoined(c0) on t0.c0 when matched then update set c0 = true when not matched then insert (c0) values (false)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t0(c0 bigint primary key)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t0','c0')
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0(c0) values(15), (-5)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: merge into t0 using (select 133 where false) as x(c0) on (x.c0 < 1) when matched then delete when not matched then insert (c0) values (29)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."t0" ("c0" inet,constraint "t0_c0_unique" unique ("c0"))
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: copy 129 records into "sys"."t0" from stdin using delimiters E'\t',E'\n','"';
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t0','c0',true)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0(c0) values(inet '')
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t0(c0 bigint not null)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0(c0) values(14173), (115), (12)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."for_compress"('sys','t0','c0')
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0(c0) values(1)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table sys.t2(c0 uuid null, c1 smallint)
#2024-04-25 19:32:44: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into sys.t2(c1) values(9739), (1), (null), (22505), (26325)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: delete from sys.t2
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t2','c0')
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: analyze sys.t2(c0, c1)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t2
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "t0" ("c0" inet,constraint "t0_c0_pkey" primary key ("c0"))
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "t1" ("c0" inet,constraint "con2" unique ("c0"))
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "t1" values (''),(''),(''),('')
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create view v1(vc0) as (select blob 'b0' from t1, t0)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t1','c0')
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update t1 set c0 = least(inet '', t1.c0) from v1 where (0.4) in (2, 0.8)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop view v1
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t1
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "t1" ("c0" bigint not null)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "t1" values (-1981639662)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."for_compress"('sys','t1','c0')
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update t1 set c0 = 1 from t1 tx where -t1.c0 = 2
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t1
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create global temporary table t0(c0 int) on commit preserve rows
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0 values (1),(2),(3)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select c0 from t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('tmp','t0','c0',false)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select c0 from t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop all procedure "sys"."dict_compress"
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop all procedure "sys"."for_compress"
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop sequence "sys"."seq_8393"
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(120)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "mct00" ("c0" tinyint,"c1" boolean)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "mct00" values (4, true), (null, false)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create procedure "sys"."dict_compress"(sname string, tname string, cname string, ordered_values bool) external name "dict"."compress"
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','mct00','c1',true)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create remote table "rmct00" ("c0" tinyint,"c1" boolean) on 'mapi:monetdb://localhost:40913/mTests_sql_test_dict/sys/mct00'
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select mct00.c1 from mct00
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select rmct00.c1 from rmct00
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table rmct00
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table mct00
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop procedure "sys"."dict_compress"
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t0(c0 int)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0 values (1),(2),(3)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create procedure "sys"."dict_compress"(sname string, tname string, cname string, ordered_values bool) external name "dict"."compress"
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t0','c0',false)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0 values (4),(5),(6)
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select c0 from t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select c0 from t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop procedure "sys"."dict_compress"
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0032: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0032: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0032: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0032: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0032: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-25 19:32:45: client0032: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(120)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create procedure "sys"."dict_compress"(sname string, tname string, cname string) external name "dict"."compress"
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create procedure "sys"."dict_compress"(sname string, tname string, cname string, ordered_values bool) external name "dict"."compress"
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create procedure "sys"."for_compress"(sname string, tname string, cname string) external name "for"."compress"
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "rt2" ("c0" boolean)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "rt2" values (true)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table x (x int)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into x values (1),(2),(3)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','rt2','c0', true)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','x','x', true)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1 from rt2 where rt2.c0 <> false
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1 from rt2 where rt2.c0 <> true
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select cast(sum(count) as bigint) from (select cast(rt2.c0 <> false as int) as count from rt2) as res
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select cast(sum(count) as bigint) from (select cast(rt2.c0 <> true as int) as count from rt2) as res
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1 from rt2 where rt2.c0 = false
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1 from rt2 where rt2.c0 = true
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from x where x < 1
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from x where x < 2
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from x where x <= 1
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from x where x <= 2
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from x where x > 2
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from x where x > 3
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from x where x >= 2
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from x where x >= 3
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table rt2
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table x
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table mt0(c1 int)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t2(c1 int, c2 timestamp)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create view v2(vc0) as (select 2 from mt0)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t2(c1) values(32448)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t2','c2',true)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update t2 set c2 = coalesce(t2.c2 - interval '2' second, t2.c2 - interval '4' month) where (select true from v2)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop view v2
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table mt0
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t2
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table rt3 (c0 date)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into rt3 values (null),(null),(null)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','rt3','c0',false)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1 from rt3 where rt3.c0 <> date '2000-12-14'
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1 from rt3 where date '2000-12-14' <> (select rt3.c0 from (select 1) vx(x))
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select cast(sum(count) as bigint) from (select cast(date '2000-12-14' <> (select rt3.c0 from (select 1) vx(x)) as int) as count from rt3) as res
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table rt3
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t4 (c0 int, c1 int)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t4 values (1,1),(2,2),(3,3)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t5 (c0 int)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t5','c0',false)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1 from t4 cross join (select (values (z.z)) from t5 cross join lateral (
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t4
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t5
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t0 (c0 int not null)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0 values (1), (3)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t0','c0')
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select t0.c0 from t0 where t0.c0 <= 2
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select cast(sum(count) as bigint) from (select cast(t0.c0 <= 2 as int) as count from t0) as res
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t0 (c0 int, c1 double precision)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0 values (null, 0.1338142586871145)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t0','c0', true)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t0','c1', true)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1 from t0 where t0.c0 < 1
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1 from t0 where t0.c0 <= 1
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1 from t0 where t0.c0 > -1
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1 from t0 where t0.c0 >= -1
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1 from t0 where t0.c0 = 1
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1 from t0 where t0.c0 <> 1
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1 from t0 where t0.c1 >= json."integer"(json '{"x":"x"}')
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0 values (1, null)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select t0.c0 from t0 where t0.c0 <> 1
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1 from t0 where t0.c1 >= json."integer"(json '{"x":"x"}')
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t0 (c0 int)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t0 values (2)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call "sys"."dict_compress"('sys','t0','c0', true)
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from t0 where c0 > 1
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t0
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop all procedure "sys"."dict_compress"
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop all procedure "sys"."for_compress"
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-25 19:32:48: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select count(*), max(id) from sys.bbp()
#SIGUSR1 info start
#Virtual memory allocated: 413204648, of which 410321064 with malloc
#gdk_vm_maxsize: 8589934592, gdk_mem_maxsize: 27393153454
#gdk_mmap_minsize_persistent 262144, gdk_mmap_minsize_transient 1712072090
#Virtual size: 21991952846848, anonymous RSS: 786362368, shared RSS: 61079552 (together: 847441920)
#fix, dirty, persistent, loaded, hot: 6 bats, 13312 virtual, 13312 malloc
#fix, dirty, transient, loaded, hot: 389 bats, 63688 virtual, 63688 malloc
#no fix, dirty, persistent, loaded, hot: 106 bats, 401872 virtual, 401872 malloc
#no fix, dirty, transient, loaded, hot: 78 bats, 52736 virtual, 52736 malloc
#no fix, dirty, transient, not loaded, hot: 8 bats, 9472 virtual, 9472 malloc
#no fix, clean, persistent, loaded, hot: 138 bats, 4202091 virtual, 1318507 malloc
#900 bats total, 725 in use, 59 free bats in common shared list
#client0034, tid 34, Thread 0x7f3ea88286c0, LWP 1322202, 0 free bats, waiting for nothing, working on exiting
#heartbeat, tid 16, Thread 0x7f3eaad756c0, LWP 1322118, 0 free bats, waiting for nothing, working on sleeping
#listenThread, tid 15, Thread 0x7f3e9c4fe6c0, LWP 1322117, 0 free bats, waiting for nothing, working on nothing
#logmanager, tid 14, Thread 0x7f3e9c2ef6c0, LWP 1322115, 0 free bats, waiting for nothing, working on sleeping
#DFLOWworker0011, tid 11, Thread 0x7f3eaeeb16c0, LWP 1322112, 6 free bats, waiting for semaphore todo, working on waiting for work
#DFLOWworker0010, tid 10, Thread 0x7f3eb13dd6c0, LWP 1322111, 4 free bats, waiting for semaphore todo, working on waiting for work
#DFLOWworker0009, tid 9, Thread 0x7f3eb15ec6c0, LWP 1322110, 2 free bats, waiting for semaphore todo, working on waiting for work
#DFLOWworker0008, tid 8, Thread 0x7f3eb17fb6c0, LWP 1322109, 9 free bats, waiting for semaphore DFLOWsema0008, working on idle, waiting for new client
#DFLOWworker0007, tid 7, Thread 0x7f3eb300e6c0, LWP 1322108, 13 free bats, waiting for semaphore DFLOWsema0007, working on idle, waiting for new client
#DFLOWworker0006, tid 6, Thread 0x7f3eb3d186c0, LWP 1322107, 10 free bats, waiting for semaphore todo, working on waiting for work
#DFLOWworker0005, tid 5, Thread 0x7f3eb552b6c0, LWP 1322106, 15 free bats, waiting for semaphore todo, working on waiting for work
#DFLOWworker0004, tid 4, Thread 0x7f3eb572c6c0, LWP 1322105, 4 free bats, waiting for semaphore todo, working on waiting for work
#DFLOWworker0003, tid 3, Thread 0x7f3eb592d6c0, LWP 1322104, 7 free bats, waiting for semaphore todo, working on waiting for work
#BBPmanager, tid 2, Thread 0x7f3eff95c6c0, LWP 1322103, 0 free bats, waiting for nothing, working on sleeping
#main thread, tid 1, Thread 0x7f3f0362a8c0, LWP 1322102, 46 free bats, waiting for nothing, working on nothing
#0 active clients, 0 finishing clients, 0 blocked clients
#SQL store oldest pending 481
#logger sql:
#current log file 47, last handled log file 43
#current transaction id 92, saved transaction id 68
#number of flushers: 0
#number of catalog entries 281, of which 0 deleted
#pending range 44: drops 16, last_ts 405, flushed_ts 405, refcount 0
#pending range 45: drops 16, last_ts 431, flushed_ts 431, refcount 0
#pending range 46: drops 16, last_ts 469, flushed_ts 469, refcount 0
#pending range 47: drops 3, last_ts 478, flushed_ts 478, refcount 1, file size 528 (current)
#SIGUSR1 info end
Mismatch in free bats: total bats = 900, #free = 175, #used = 0