# MonetDB 5 server v11.50.0
# This is an unreleased version
# Serving database 'mTests_sql_test_BugTracker-2012', using 8 threads
# Compiled for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/64bit with 128bit integers
# Found 31.303 GiB available main-memory of which we use 25.512 GiB
# Virtual memory usage limited to 8.000 GiB
# Copyright (c) 2024 MonetDB Foundation, all rights reserved
# Visit https://www.monetdb.org/ for further information
# MonetDB/GIS module loaded
# MonetDB/SQL module loaded
# Listening for connection requests on mapi:monetdb://lab05.da.cwi.nl:33521/
# Listening for UNIX domain connection requests on mapi:monetdb:///tmp/mtest-2164227/.s.monetdb.33521
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."tbls" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: copy 39 records into "sys"."tbls" from stdin using delimiters E'\t',E'\n','"';
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1, (select count(*) from tbls)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (select count(*) from tbls), 1
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0019: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table tbls
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table kv17 (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (timestamp, reasoncontent, subadvicetype, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, messagetype, reasontype, operatingday, subreasontype, dataownercode, advicetype, advicecontent, reinforcementnumber) values (timestamp '2007-10-31T11:44:09.000+01:00', null, 2, 1021, 'N198', 'CANCEL', 1, date '2007-10-31', '19_1', 'ARR', 1, null, 0)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, dataownercode, timestamp, userstopcode, operatingday, messagetype, reinforcementnumber) values (1021, 'N198', 1, 'ARR', timestamp '2007-10-31T11:44:09.000+01:00', 57330090, date '2007-10-31', 'SHORTEN', 0)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, dataownercode, timestamp, userstopcode, operatingday, messagetype, reinforcementnumber) values (1021, 'N198', 1, 'ARR', timestamp '2007-10-31T11:44:09.000+01:00', 57330090, date '2007-10-31', 'SHORTEN', 0)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (timestamp, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, userstopcode, journeystoptype, targetarrivaltime, targetdeparturetime, reinforcementnumber, dataownercode, messagetype, operatingday) values (timestamp '2007-10-31T11:44:09.000+01:00', 1021, 'N198', 1, 57330090, 'INTERMEDIATE', time '19:28:00', time '19:30:00', 0, 'ARR', 'CHANGE
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (destinationname50, timestamp, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, userstopcode, operatingday, reinforcementnumber, dataownercode, destinationcode, messagetype, destinationname16, destinationdisplay16, destinationdetail16) values ('Utrecht CS Westzijde', timestamp '2007-10-31T11:44:09.000+01:00', 1021, 'N198', 1, 57330090, da
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, dataownercode, timestamp, userstopcode, lagtime, operatingday, messagetype, reinforcementnumber) values (1021, 'N198', 1, 'ARR', timestamp '2007-10-31T11:44:09.000+01:00', 57330090, 300, date '2007-10-31', 'LAG', 0)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (timestamp, reasoncontent, subadvicetype, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, reasontype, userstopcode, operatingday, subreasontype, advicetype, dataownercode, messagetype, advicecontent, reinforcementnumber) values (timestamp '2007-10-31T11:44:09.000+01:00', null, 2, 1021, 'N198', 1, 1, 57330090, date '2007-10-31', '19_1', 1
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (timestamp, reasoncontent, subadvicetype, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, messagetype, reasontype, operatingday, subreasontype, dataownercode, advicetype, advicecontent, reinforcementnumber) values (timestamp '2007-10-31T11:44:09.000+01:00', null, null, 842, 'N199', 'CANCEL', null, date '2007-11-01', null, 'ARR', null, null, 0)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, dataownercode, timestamp, operatingday, messagetype, reinforcementnumber) values (842, 'N199', 'ARR', timestamp '2007-10-31T11:44:09.000+01:00', date '2007-11-01', 'RECOVER', 0)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (timestamp, reasoncontent, subadvicetype, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, reasontype, userstopcode, operatingday, subreasontype, advicetype, dataownercode, messagetype, advicecontent, reinforcementnumber) values (timestamp '2009-10-08T07:54:00', 'Voertuig niet toegankelijk voor rolstoelgebruikers (niet lagevloers)', null,
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, dataownercode, timestamp, operatingday, messagetype, reinforcementnumber) values (90, 100, 'z', timestamp '2009-10-08T08:04:00', date '2009-09-23', 'ADD', 1)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, dataownercode, timestamp, userstopcode, operatingday, messagetype, reinforcementnumber) values (90, 100, 0, 'z', timestamp '2009-10-08T08:04:00', 1, date '2009-09-23', 'SHORTEN', 1)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, dataownercode, timestamp, userstopcode, operatingday, messagetype, reinforcementnumber) values (90, 100, 0, 'z', timestamp '2009-10-08T08:04:00', 1, date '2009-09-23', 'SHORTEN', 1)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (timestamp, reasoncontent, subadvicetype, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, reasontype, userstopcode, operatingday, subreasontype, advicetype, dataownercode, messagetype, advicecontent, reinforcementnumber) values (timestamp '2009-10-08T08:04:00', 'Wacht op aansluiting lijn 99', null, 90, 100, 0, null, 1, date '2009-09-23',
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, dataownercode, timestamp, userstopcode, lagtime, operatingday, messagetype, reinforcementnumber) values (90, 100, 0, 'z', timestamp '2009-10-08T08:04:00', 1, 300, date '2009-09-23', 'LAG', 1)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (timestamp, reasoncontent, subadvicetype, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, reasontype, userstopcode, operatingday, subreasontype, advicetype, dataownercode, messagetype, advicecontent, reinforcementnumber) values (timestamp '2009-10-08T08:04:00', 'Wacht op aansluiting lijn 99', null, 90, 100, 0, null, 1, date '2009-09-23',
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (timestamp, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, userstopcode, journeystoptype, targetarrivaltime, targetdeparturetime, reinforcementnumber, dataownercode, messagetype, operatingday) values (timestamp '2009-10-08T08:04:00', 90, 100, 0, 1, 'INTERMEDIATE', time '08:17:00', time '08:20:00', 1, 'z', 'CHANGEPASSTIMES', date '2009-0
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (destinationname50, timestamp, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, userstopcode, operatingday, reinforcementnumber, dataownercode, destinationcode, messagetype, destinationname16, destinationdisplay16, destinationdetail16) values ('ROTTERDAM CS', timestamp '2009-10-08T08:04:00', 90, 100, 0, 1, date '2009-09-23', 1, 'z', null,
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (destinationname50, timestamp, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, userstopcode, operatingday, reinforcementnumber, dataownercode, destinationcode, messagetype, destinationname16, destinationdisplay16, destinationdetail16) values ('ROTTERDAM CS', timestamp '2009-10-08T08:04:00', 90, 100, 0, 1, date '2009-09-23', 1, 'z', null,
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, dataownercode, timestamp, operatingday, messagetype, reinforcementnumber) values (0, '1rst', 'BISON', timestamp '2009-10-08T09:20:00', date '2009-10-08', 'ADD', 0)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (timestamp, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, userstopcode, journeystoptype, targetarrivaltime, targetdeparturetime, reinforcementnumber, dataownercode, messagetype, operatingday) values (timestamp '2009-10-08T09:20:00', 0, '1rst', 0, 90, 'FIRST', time '10:00:00', time '10:00:00', 0, 'BISON', 'CHANGEPASSTIMES', date '2009-1
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (destinationname50, timestamp, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, userstopcode, operatingday, reinforcementnumber, dataownercode, destinationcode, messagetype, destinationname16, destinationdisplay16, destinationdetail16) values ('Rotterdam CS', timestamp '2009-10-08T09:20:00', 0, '1rst', 0, 90, date '2009-10-08', 0, 'BISON'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (timestamp, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, userstopcode, journeystoptype, targetarrivaltime, targetdeparturetime, reinforcementnumber, dataownercode, messagetype, operatingday) values (timestamp '2009-10-08T09:20:00', 0, '1rst', 0, 90, 'FIRST', time '10:00:00', time '10:00:00', 0, 'BISON', 'CHANGEPASSTIMES', date '2009-1
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (destinationname50, timestamp, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, userstopcode, operatingday, reinforcementnumber, dataownercode, destinationcode, messagetype, destinationname16, destinationdisplay16, destinationdetail16) values ('Rotterdam CS', timestamp '2009-10-08T09:20:00', 0, '1rst', 0, 90, date '2009-10-08', 0, 'BISON'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (timestamp, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, userstopcode, journeystoptype, targetarrivaltime, targetdeparturetime, reinforcementnumber, dataownercode, messagetype, operatingday) values (timestamp '2009-10-08T09:20:00', 0, '1rst', 0, 90, 'FIRST', time '10:00:00', time '10:00:00', 0, 'BISON', 'CHANGEPASSTIMES', date '2009-1
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kv17 (destinationname50, timestamp, journeynumber, lineplanningnumber, passagesequencenumber, userstopcode, operatingday, reinforcementnumber, dataownercode, destinationcode, messagetype, destinationname16, destinationdisplay16, destinationdetail16) values ('Rotterdam CS', timestamp '2009-10-08T09:20:00', 0, '1rst', 0, 90, date '2009-10-08', 0, 'BISON'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from kv17
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0022: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0023: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0023: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0023: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0023: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0023: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0023: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0023: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0023: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0023: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create function bug2969 (x decimal(7,5), y decimal(8,5)) returns decimal(15,0)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0023: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select bug2969(12,12)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0023: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select bug2969(12.1111,12.1111)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0023: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select bug2969(12,12)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0023: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop function bug2969
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0024: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0024: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0024: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0024: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0024: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0024: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0024: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0024: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0024: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select str_to_date('12-01-01','%y-%m-%d')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0024: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select str_to_date('2012-01-01','%Y-%m-%d')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0024: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select date_to_str('2012-02-11','%y/%m/%d')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0024: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select date_to_str('2012-02-11','%Y/%m/%d')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0025: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0025: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0025: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0025: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0025: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0025: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0025: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0025: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table e (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table s (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into e values ('Simon', '1')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into s values ('Simon', '0')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select *
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select *
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select *
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "e"
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0026: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "s"
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0027: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0027: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0027: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0027: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0027: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0027: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0027: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0027: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0027: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from (select 1 as c) a left outer join (select 1 as c) b on 1 = 1
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0027: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from (select 1 as c) a left outer join (select 1 as c) b on 1 = 0
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0027: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from (select 1 as c) a right outer join (select 1 as c) b on 1 = 1
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0027: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from (select 1 as c) a right outer join (select 1 as c) b on 1 = 0
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0027: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from (select 1 as c) a full outer join (select 1 as c) b on 1 = 1
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0027: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from (select 1 as c) a full outer join (select 1 as c) b on 1 = 0
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table table1 (a integer)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table table2 (a integer, b integer)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into table1 values(1)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into table1 values(2)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into table2 values(2, 2)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from (select a, 2 as b from table1) t1 inner join table2 t2 on (t1.b = t2.b)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table table2
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0028: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table table1
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0029: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0029: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0029: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0029: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0029: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0029: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0029: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0029: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0029: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."y" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0029: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from y, y as y1, y as y2 where y.x between y1.x and y2.x
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0029: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table y
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table tablea(x integer, y integer)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into tablea values(1,10)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into tablea values(2,20)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table tableb(x integer, y integer)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into tableb values(1,-10)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into tableb values(2,-20)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table tablea
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0030: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table tableb
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table emp (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into emp values
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into emp values
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into emp values
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into emp values
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into emp values
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into emp values
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into emp values
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into emp values
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into emp values
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into emp values
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into emp values
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into emp values
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into emp values
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into emp values
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select e.job, e.ename, ep.ename, epp.ename
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0031: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table emp
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0032: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0032: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0032: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0032: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0032: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0032: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0032: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0032: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0032: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 16 and 16
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select cast(16 as smallint) and cast(16 as smallint)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select bit_and(cast(16 as smallint), cast(16 as smallint)) = cast(16 as smallint)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select bit_and(16,16)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 16 and cast(16 as int)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0033: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select bit_and(16,cast(16 as int))
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."test" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select dataownercode, lineplanningnumber, journeypatterncode, timinglinkorder,
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.dataownercode
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.lineplanningnumber
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.journeypatterncode
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.timinglinkorder
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.userstopcodebegin
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.istimingstop
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.%TID%
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: %1.%1
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: %2.%2
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: %3.%3
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: %4.%4
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: %5.%5
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: %6.%6
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.dataownercode
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.lineplanningnumber
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.journeypatterncode
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.timinglinkorder
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.userstopcodebegin
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.istimingstop
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select dataownercode, lineplanningnumber, journeypatterncode, timinglinkorder,
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: copy 10 records into "test" from stdin using delimiters ',', E'\n';
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select dataownercode, lineplanningnumber, journeypatterncode, timinglinkorder,
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.dataownercode
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.lineplanningnumber
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.journeypatterncode
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.timinglinkorder
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.userstopcodebegin
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.istimingstop
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.%TID%
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: %1.%1
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: %2.%2
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: %3.%3
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: %4.%4
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: %5.%5
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: %6.%6
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.dataownercode
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.lineplanningnumber
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.journeypatterncode
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.timinglinkorder
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.userstopcodebegin
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: print_stmtlist: INFO: test.istimingstop
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select dataownercode, lineplanningnumber, journeypatterncode, timinglinkorder,
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0034: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table test
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0037: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0037: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0037: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0037: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0037: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0037: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0037: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0037: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0037: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "treeitems" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0037: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into treeitems values('documentStructure', 0)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0037: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into treeitems values('documentStructure', 1)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0037: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select *
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0037: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select *
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0037: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table treeitems
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0038: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0038: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0038: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0038: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0038: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0038: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0038: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0038: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0038: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1, (select 1) as x
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0039: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0039: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0039: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0039: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0039: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0039: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0039: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0039: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0039: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select '1970-01-01 11:00' - interval '600' second
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0039: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select cast('1970-01-01 11:00' as timestamp) = '1970-01-01 11:00' - interval '600' second
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: set schema "sys"
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."c__has_a" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index "c__has_a_property_index" on "sys"."c__has_a" ("property_table", "property_id")
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: copy 1 records into "sys"."c__has_a" from stdin using delimiters E'\t',E'\n','"';
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: commit
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from c__has_a where owner_table is null and property_table='SIMPLE' and property_id = 4
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table c__has_a
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table foo (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index foo_index on foo ("b","c")
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into foo (b,c)values('foo',3)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from foo where a is null and b='foo' and c=3
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0040: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table foo
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table node (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table rank (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table component (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: alter table node add constraint "PK_node" primary key (id)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: alter table component add constraint "PK_component" primary key (id)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: alter table rank add constraint "PK_rank" primary key (pre)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: alter table rank add constraint "UNIQ_rank_pre" unique (pre)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: alter table rank add constraint "UNIQ_rank_post" unique (post)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: alter table rank add constraint "FK_rank_parent" foreign key (parent) references rank (pre)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: alter table rank add constraint "FK_rank_node" foreign key (node_ref) references node (id)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: alter table rank add constraint "FK_rank_component" foreign key (component_ref) references component (id)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0043: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "productfeature" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "producttype" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "producer" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "product" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "producttypeproduct" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "productfeatureproduct" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "vendor" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "offer" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "person" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "review" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select p.nr, p.label
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0044: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "productfeature" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "producttype" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "producer" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "product" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "producttypeproduct" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "productfeatureproduct" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "vendor" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "offer" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "person" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "review" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select distinct p.nr, p.label
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0045: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table im
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table xtr
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table rc
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into rc values (1, 1, 331.79744325500002, 43.448623302500003,
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into im values (2,1,0.0063888886943499999)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into xtr values (1, 2, 43, 331.79750356540063, 43.448645530624432,
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select t.xtrsrc_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select r.xtrsrc_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0046: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."r" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: copy 10 records into "sys"."r" from stdin using delimiters E'\t',E'\n','"';
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."s" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: copy 12 records into "sys"."s" from stdin using delimiters E'\t',E'\n','"';
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select u, v, r from ((select * from s) intersect (select * from r)) as inter order by u, v, r
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select count(*) as c from ((select * from s) intersect (select * from r)) as inter
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select u, v, r from ((select * from s) except (select * from r)) as diff order by u, v, r
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select count(*) as c from ((select * from s) except (select * from r)) as diff
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select inter.u from ((select * from s) intersect (select * from r)) as inter order by u
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select diff.u from ((select * from s) except (select * from r)) as diff order by u
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select inter.u from ((select * from r) intersect (select * from s)) as inter order by u
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0047: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0052: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0052: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0052: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0052: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0052: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0052: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0052: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0052: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0052: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0052: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t3065(c integer)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0052: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t3065 values(1),(2)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0052: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: delete from t3065 where (1=1 and c=2)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0052: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from t3065
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0052: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0053: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0053: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0053: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0053: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0053: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0053: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0053: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0053: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0053: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0053: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create schema dc
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0053: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table runningcatalog(
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0053: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table dc.lta(
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0053: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create procedure dc.archive()
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0053: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call dc.archive()
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0053: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."cache_kv1" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."cache_kv1_3" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into cache_kv1 values ('1')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into cache_kv1_3 values (8, '2012-02-01', '2012-04-01', '1')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into cache_kv1_3 values (8, '2012-02-01', '2012-04-01', '2')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into cache_kv1 values ('4')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into cache_kv1_3 values (8, '2012-01-01', '2012-01-02', '1')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into cache_kv1_3 values (1, '2012-01-01', '2012-01-02', '1')
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select *
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table cache_kv1_3
#2024-04-26 00:57:35: client0054: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table cache_kv1
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0055: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0055: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0055: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0055: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0055: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0055: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0055: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0055: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0055: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t3071 (s varchar(100))
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0055: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t3071 values ('42.42')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0055: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select avg ( cast (s as double)) from t3071
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0055: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t3071
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0056: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0056: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0056: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0056: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0056: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0056: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0056: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0056: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0057: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0057: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0057: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0057: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0057: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0057: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0058: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0058: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0058: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0058: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0058: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0058: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0058: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0058: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0058: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create function truncode(lon decimal(9,6), lat decimal(9,6))
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0058: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select truncode(12,12)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0058: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select truncode(12.0,12)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0058: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select truncode(12.00,12)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0058: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop function truncode
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0059: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0059: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0059: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0059: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0059: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0059: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0059: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0059: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0059: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0059: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table test1 ( no int)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0059: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0060: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0060: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0060: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0060: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0060: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0060: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0060: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0060: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0060: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select round(750,1)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0061: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0061: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0061: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0061: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0061: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0061: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0061: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0061: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0061: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table r (u varchar(32), v varchar(32), r varchar(5))
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0061: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create function refine ()
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0061: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from refine()
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0061: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop function refine
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0061: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table r
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0062: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0062: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0062: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0062: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0062: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0062: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0062: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0062: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0062: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: grant select on sys.tables to monetdb
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0063: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0063: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0063: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0063: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0063: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0063: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0063: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0063: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0063: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "boo" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0063: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into boo values
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0063: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table boo
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0064: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0064: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0064: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0064: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0064: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0064: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0064: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0064: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0064: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table skyboom (i int, ts timestamp)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0064: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select i as boom1, ts as boom2 from skyboom
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0064: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table skyboom
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0065: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0065: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0065: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0065: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0065: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0065: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0065: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0065: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0065: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0065: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t3086 (d double)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0065: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t3086 values (0.011)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0065: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select mod(0.011 + 180, 360)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0065: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select mod(d + 180, 360) from t3086
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0065: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0066: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0066: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0066: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0066: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0066: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0066: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0066: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0066: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0066: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."tbls" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0066: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: copy 39 records into "sys"."tbls" from stdin using delimiters E'\t',E'\n','"';
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0066: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name, schema_id, query, type, system, commit_action, readonly, temporary from tbls where 1
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0066: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name, schema_id, query, type, system, commit_action, readonly, temporary from tbls where name
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0066: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table tbls
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0069: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0069: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0069: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0069: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0069: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0069: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0069: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0069: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0069: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table test1 ( id int, seq int, name varchar(20), primary key (id, seq))
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0069: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table test2 ( id int not null, seq int not null, name varchar(20))
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0069: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from test1 a, test2 b where a.id = b.id and b.seq = a.seq
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0069: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table test2
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0069: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table test1
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0070: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0070: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0070: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0070: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0070: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0070: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0070: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0070: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0070: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0070: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t3087 (i int)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0070: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t3087a as select row_number() over () as id, i from t3087 with data
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0070: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create schema "meta"
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "meta"."program_specs" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "meta"."program_specs"
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "meta"."program_specs"
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop schema "meta" cascade
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t30(
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t30(a,b) values('x','y')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t31(
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t31(a,b) values('x','y')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t32(
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t32(c,a,b) values(null,'x','y')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t30
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t31
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0071: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t32
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table rank (pre integer, post integer)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into rank values (1, 6)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into rank values (2, 3)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into rank values (4, 5)
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: with
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: with
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select distinct span1.pre as pre1, span2.pre as pre2
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: with
#2024-04-26 00:57:36: client0072: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table rank
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "x"("id" int not null primary key)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "y"("id" int not null primary key,"x_id" int,constraint
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index "y_x_id" on "y"("x_id")
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "x" values(1),(2),(3)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "y" values(100,1),(101,2)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update y set x_id = 3 where id = 101
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "y"
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0073: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "x"
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."first" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."second" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "second" values (100, null)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "second" values (101, 1)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update "second" set ref = 1 where id = 100
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update "second" set ref = null where id = 100
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "first" values (200)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update "second" set ref = 1 where id = 100
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "second"
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0074: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "first"
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t3 (id int auto_increment ,text varchar(8) ,primary key (id))
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t2 (id int auto_increment ,ds int not null ,ra double not null ,primary key (id) ,foreign key (ds) references t3 (id))
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t1 (id int auto_increment ,runcat int ,ds int not null ,ra double default 0 ,primary key (id) ,foreign key (runcat) references t2 (id) ,foreign key (ds) references t3 (id))
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t3 (text) values ('test')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t2 (ds,ra) select id,20 from t3
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t1 (runcat,ds,ra) select id,ds,0 from t2
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t1 (runcat,ds,ra) select id,1,0 from t2
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0075: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0076: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0076: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0076: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0076: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0076: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0076: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0076: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0076: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0076: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select cast('10' as tinyint) as not_ok_tinyint, cast('10' as int) as ok_int, cast('10' as smallint) as ok_smallint
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0077: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0077: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0077: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0077: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0077: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0077: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0077: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0077: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0077: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t1_bug3139 (id int,dp int)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0077: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t2_bug3139 (id int, s int)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0077: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t1_bug3139 values (1,1),(2,2),(3,2),(4,2),(5,3),(6,3),(7,1)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0077: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t2_bug3139 values (1,1),(1,2),(1,3)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0077: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select t1_bug3139.id, t1_bug3139.dp, t3.cnt
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0077: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select t1_bug3139.id, t1_bug3139.dp, (select count(*) from t2_bug3139)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0077: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select t1_bug3139.id, t1_bug3139.dp
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0078: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0078: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "sys"."t1_bug3139" cascade
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0078: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "sys"."t2_bug3139" cascade
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0078: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0078: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0078: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0078: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0078: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0078: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0078: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0078: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table household (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0078: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: copy 5 offset 2 records into household from stdin using delimiters ',',E'\n','"' null as '';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0078: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select count(*) from household
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0078: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from household limit 5
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "sys"."household" cascade
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table type_test ( dval double, nval numeric(5,3))
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into type_test values (5.4, 5.4),(1.3,1.3),(8.252, 8.252)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from type_test
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select count(dval), count(nval) from type_test
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select avg(dval), avg(nval) from type_test
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select sum(dval), cast(sum(nval) as numeric(18,3)) from type_test
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0081: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table type_test
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0082: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0082: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0082: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0082: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0082: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0082: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0082: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0082: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0082: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table time_table (atime timestamp, btime timestamp, ctime date)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0082: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into time_table values(timestamp '1970-JAN-1', timestamp '1980-DEC-31', date '2012-JAN-1')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0082: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from time_table
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0082: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select btime <> atime from time_table
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0082: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select btime - timestamp '1975-JAN-01' from time_table
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0082: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select btime - atime from time_table
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0082: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table time_table
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table test3168 ( id int, name varchar(20) default null)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into test3168 ( id ) values ( 1 )
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table test3168
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table test3168 ( id int, name char(20) default null)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into test3168 ( id ) values ( 1 )
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table test3168
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table test3168 ( id int, name clob default null)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into test3168 ( id ) values ( 1 )
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0083: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table test3168
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0084: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0084: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0084: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0084: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0084: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0084: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0084: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0084: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0084: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select case when true then -10 else 0/0 end
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0084: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select coalesce (case when true then -10. end, case when false then 0/0 end)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create sequence "sys"."seq_5958" as integer
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."anbi_intern" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."anbi_kvk" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."kvk" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update kvk set anbi = (select begindatum from sys.anbi_kvk, anbi_intern where
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table sys.kvk
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table sys.anbi_kvk
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0085: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table sys.anbi_intern
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop sequence "sys"."seq_5958"
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table rx (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table trans (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index trans_st_idx on trans (s, t)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into trans(s, t, comp) values
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into rx (u, v, r) values
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select tr.x, tr.z, comp
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop index trans_st_idx
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table trans
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0086: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table rx
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: set optimizer='sequential_pipe'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: explain select name,func from functions where name like '%optimizers%'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: explain select name,func from functions where name not like '%optimizers%'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: explain select name,func from functions where name ilike '%optimizers%'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: explain select name,func from functions where name not ilike '%optimizers%'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create function mycontains(str string, substr string)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create function not_mycontains(str string, substr string)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create function imycontains(str string, substr string)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create function not_imycontains(str string, substr string)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: explain select name,func from functions where mycontains(name, 'optimizers')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: explain select name,func from functions where not_mycontains(name, 'optimizers')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: explain select name,func from functions where imycontains(name, 'optimizers')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: explain select name,func from functions where not_imycontains(name, 'optimizers')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0087: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: set optimizer='default_pipe'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0088: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0088: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0088: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0088: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0088: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0088: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0088: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0088: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0088: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0088: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "time_by_day" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0088: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select "time_by_day"."the_year" as "c0", "the_year" || '-12-31' as "c1" from "time_by_day" as "time_by_day"
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0088: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select "time_by_day"."the_year" as "c0", "the_year" || '-12-31' as "c1" from "time_by_day" as "time_by_day"
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0088: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0089: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0089: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0089: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0089: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0089: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0089: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0089: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0089: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0089: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0089: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create function x(a int, b int) returns table (c int,d int) begin return select a, b; end
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0089: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0090: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0090: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0090: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0090: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0090: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0090: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0091: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 'bla';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0091: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select '"'||'bla';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0091: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select '"bla"' '"blah"';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0091: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 'blah''s nork';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0091: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select E'blah\'nork';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0091: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select E'blah\,blah';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0091: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select E'blah \tthe \n black';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0091: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select E'blah \t the \\n black';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0091: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select E'blah\\blah';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0091: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select E'\n';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0091: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select E'\t';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0091: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select E'\\n';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0091: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select E'\\t';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0091: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select E'\"blah\"';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0091: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select '"blah"';
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0092: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0092: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0092: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0092: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0092: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0092: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0092: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0092: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0092: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from (select 1 as x) as x where x in (1234567890)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0093: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0093: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0093: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0093: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0093: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0093: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0093: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0093: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0093: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table deterministic(a timestamp)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0093: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into deterministic values (now())
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0093: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (select a from deterministic) + interval '1' second - (select a from deterministic)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0093: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (select a from deterministic) + interval '1' second - (select a from deterministic)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0093: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (select a from deterministic) - (select a from deterministic)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0093: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table deterministic
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1.0/2.0
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select cast (1 as double)/2
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1.0/2.0
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1.0/2.1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1.1/2.1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1.1/2.0
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 1.0/2.0
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select '3.1'/5.1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 3.1/5.1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0094: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 3.1/'5.1'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t1_2073 (id serial, toggle boolean)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t2_2073 (id serial, ref bigint)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t1_2073 (toggle) values (false)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t1_2073 (toggle) values (false)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create trigger updateme
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update t1_2073 set toggle = true where id = 1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from t2_2073
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t1_2073 cascade
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t2_2073 cascade
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t1_2073 (id serial, toggle boolean)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t2_2073 (id serial, ref bigint)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t1_2073 (toggle) values (false)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t1_2073 (toggle) values (false)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create trigger updateme2
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update t1_2073 set toggle = true where id = 1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from t2_2073
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t1_2073 cascade
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0095: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t2_2073 cascade
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0096: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0096: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0096: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0096: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0096: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0096: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0096: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0096: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0096: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0096: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "t3097" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0096: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into "t3097"
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0096: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "t3097"
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0096: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0097: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0097: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0097: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0097: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0097: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0097: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0097: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0097: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0097: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0097: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create function x(a int, b int) returns table (c int,d int) begin return select a, b; end
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0097: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0098: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0098: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0098: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0098: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0098: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0098: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0098: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0098: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0098: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (cast('1970-01-01 0:00' as timestamp) - cast('1970-01-01' as date))
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0099: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0099: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0099: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0099: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0099: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0099: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0099: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0099: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0099: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select null except select null
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."delete_r" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."delete_rchild" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."delete_a" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index "delete_a_2d7cfe83" on "sys"."delete_a" ("child_setnull_id")
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index "delete_a_3256f49f" on "sys"."delete_a" ("setdefault_id")
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index "delete_a_387a994a" on "sys"."delete_a" ("auto_nullable_id")
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index "delete_a_39102852" on "sys"."delete_a" ("cascade_nullable_id")
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index "delete_a_39c8e34b" on "sys"."delete_a" ("donothing_id")
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index "delete_a_705384fd" on "sys"."delete_a" ("auto_id")
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index "delete_a_afc263df" on "sys"."delete_a" ("cascade_id")
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index "delete_a_c8a2655b" on "sys"."delete_a" ("setvalue_id")
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index "delete_a_cc32e934" on "sys"."delete_a" ("setnull_id")
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index "delete_a_cf9d920d" on "sys"."delete_a" ("o2o_setnull_id")
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index "delete_a_da61a3df" on "sys"."delete_a" ("child_id")
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index "delete_a_ea02b18e" on "sys"."delete_a" ("protect_id")
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create index "delete_a_f7f4dcfb" on "sys"."delete_a" ("setdefault_none_id")
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update "sys"."delete_a" set "setnull_id" = null where "id" in (1)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "sys"."delete_a"
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "sys"."delete_rchild"
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table "sys"."delete_r"
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0100: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."kvk" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table "sys"."vve" (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into vve values (1, 'test', 'test2', 'test3', 'Oude Trambaan', 7, null, '2265CA', 'Leidschendam', 1, 'ergens')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kvk values (0, 'test', 0, 0, 'Oude Trambaan 7', '2265CA', 'Leidschendam', 'iets', 'geen')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kvk values (1, 'test', 1, 0, 'Oude Trambaan 8', '2265CA', 'Leidschendam', 'iets', 'geen')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select count(*) from vve, kvk where toevoeging is null and vve.huisnummer is not null and vve.postcode = kvk.postcode and kvk.adres like ' %'||vve.huisnummer
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table kvk
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0101: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table vve
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t (a integer not null,
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (7,7,7,7,7)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (82,82,82,82,82)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (75,75,75,75,75)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (48,48,48,48,48)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (43,43,43,43,43)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (87,87,87,87,87)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (53,53,53,53,53)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (84,84,84,84,84)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (6,6,6,6,6)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (96,96,96,96,96)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (21,21,21,21,21)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (8,8,8,8,8)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (72,72,72,72,72)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (39,39,39,39,39)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (74,74,74,74,74)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (9,9,9,9,9)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (67,67,67,67,67)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (73,73,73,73,73)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (29,29,29,29,29)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (78,78,78,78,78)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (97,97,97,97,97)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (58,58,58,58,58)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (18,18,18,18,18)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (90,90,90,90,90)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (46,46,46,46,46)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (79,79,79,79,79)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (15,15,15,15,15)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (3,3,3,3,3)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (11,11,11,11,11)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (28,28,28,28,28)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (89,89,89,89,89)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (66,66,66,66,66)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (14,14,14,14,14)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (57,57,57,57,57)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (47,47,47,47,47)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (55,55,55,55,55)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (68,68,68,68,68)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (41,41,41,41,41)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (24,24,24,24,24)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (20,20,20,20,20)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (54,54,54,54,54)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (50,50,50,50,50)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (17,17,17,17,17)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (93,93,93,93,93)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (31,31,31,31,31)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (5,5,5,5,5)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (63,63,63,63,63)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (45,45,45,45,45)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (19,19,19,19,19)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (10,10,10,10,10)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (49,49,49,49,49)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (32,32,32,32,32)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (38,38,38,38,38)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (34,34,34,34,34)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (40,40,40,40,40)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (59,59,59,59,59)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (65,65,65,65,65)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (4,4,4,4,4)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (62,62,62,62,62)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (51,51,51,51,51)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (86,86,86,86,86)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (94,94,94,94,94)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (81,81,81,81,81)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (70,70,70,70,70)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (85,85,85,85,85)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (88,88,88,88,88)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (98,98,98,98,98)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (26,26,26,26,26)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (69,69,69,69,69)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (35,35,35,35,35)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (2,2,2,2,2)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (42,42,42,42,42)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (60,60,60,60,60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (80,80,80,80,80)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (33,33,33,33,33)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (99,99,99,99,99)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (91,91,91,91,91)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (13,13,13,13,13)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (36,36,36,36,36)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (95,95,95,95,95)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (23,23,23,23,23)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (77,77,77,77,77)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (92,92,92,92,92)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (44,44,44,44,44)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (83,83,83,83,83)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (76,76,76,76,76)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (64,64,64,64,64)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (16,16,16,16,16)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (27,27,27,27,27)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (52,52,52,52,52)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (12,12,12,12,12)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (1,1,1,1,1)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (37,37,37,37,37)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (100,100,100,100,100)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (61,61,61,61,61)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (71,71,71,71,71)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (56,56,56,56,56)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (22,22,22,22,22)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (25,25,25,25,25)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (30,30,30,30,30)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: with raw as (select a,b,c,count(*) as value from t where e<10 and c<50 group by a,b,c) select raw.*, row_number() over (partition by a order by value desc) from raw
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0102: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0103: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0103: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0103: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0103: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0103: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0103: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0104: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: set time zone interval -'23:00' hour to minute;
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0104: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select extract(day from current_timestamp) <> 25;
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0104: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table test1 ( id int, name varchar(20))
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table test2 ( id int, name varchar(20))
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (select count(id) as cnt1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (select count(id) as cnt1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (select count(id) as cnt1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (select count(b.id) as cnt2
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (select count(id) as cnt1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table test1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table test2
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table test1 ( id int, name varchar(20))
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into test1 values (1,'name1'),(2,'name2'),(3,'name3')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table test2 ( id int, name varchar(20))
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into test2 values (3,'name3'),(4,'name4')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (select count(id) as cnt1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (select count(id) as cnt1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (select count(id) as cnt1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (select count(b.id) as cnt2
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (select count(id) as cnt1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table test1
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0105: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table test2
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0106: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0106: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0106: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0106: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0106: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0106: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0106: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0106: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0106: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select (4.4054292 - 4.40572025343667)^2 + (52.0903881 - 52.091375762174)^2
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table istream(
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table area(
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table sensors(
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table states(
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table warden(
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table observations(
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create procedure enrich_a()
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create procedure enrich_b()
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create procedure enrich_c()
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop procedure enrich_a()
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop procedure enrich_b()
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop procedure enrich_c()
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table istream
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table area
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table sensors
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table states
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table warden
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0107: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table observations
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create sequence sys.myseq_5700 as integer
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table kvk (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kvk(kvk, bedrijfsnaam, adres, postcode, plaats, type, kvks, sub, bedrijfsnaam_size, adres_size, website) values (1, 'table1', 'table1', 'table1', 'table1', 'table1', 23, 24, 1, 1, 'table1')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kvk(kvk, bedrijfsnaam, adres, postcode, plaats, type, kvks, sub, bedrijfsnaam_size, adres_size, website) values (1, 'table1', 'table1', 'table1', 'table1', 'table1', 23, 24, 1, 1, 'table2')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table kvk_extra_nieuw (
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kvk_extra_nieuw values (1, 'test', 'test', 10, 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 10, 11)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kvk_extra_nieuw values (2, 'test', 'test', 10, 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 10, 11)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kvk_extra_nieuw values (3, 'test', 'test', 10, 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 10, 11)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kvk_extra_nieuw values (4, 'test', 'test', 10, 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 10, 11)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into kvk_extra_nieuw values (5, 'test', 'test', 10, 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 10, 11)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from kvk
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from kvk_extra_nieuw
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update kvk set website = (select distinct kvk_extra_nieuw.website from kvk, kvk_extra_nieuw where
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from kvk
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table kvk_extra_nieuw
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table kvk
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0108: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop sequence sys.myseq_5700
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t (a integer not null,
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (7,7,7,7,7)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (82,82,82,82,82)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (75,75,75,75,75)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (48,48,48,48,48)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (43,43,43,43,43)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (87,87,87,87,87)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (53,53,53,53,53)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (84,84,84,84,84)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (6,6,6,6,6)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (96,96,96,96,96)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (21,21,21,21,21)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (8,8,8,8,8)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (72,72,72,72,72)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (39,39,39,39,39)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (74,74,74,74,74)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (9,9,9,9,9)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (67,67,67,67,67)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (73,73,73,73,73)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (29,29,29,29,29)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (78,78,78,78,78)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (97,97,97,97,97)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (58,58,58,58,58)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (18,18,18,18,18)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (90,90,90,90,90)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (46,46,46,46,46)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (79,79,79,79,79)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (15,15,15,15,15)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (3,3,3,3,3)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (11,11,11,11,11)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (28,28,28,28,28)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (89,89,89,89,89)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (66,66,66,66,66)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (14,14,14,14,14)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (57,57,57,57,57)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (47,47,47,47,47)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (55,55,55,55,55)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (68,68,68,68,68)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (41,41,41,41,41)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (24,24,24,24,24)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (20,20,20,20,20)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (54,54,54,54,54)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (50,50,50,50,50)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (17,17,17,17,17)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (93,93,93,93,93)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (31,31,31,31,31)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (5,5,5,5,5)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (63,63,63,63,63)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (45,45,45,45,45)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (19,19,19,19,19)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (10,10,10,10,10)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (49,49,49,49,49)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (32,32,32,32,32)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (38,38,38,38,38)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (34,34,34,34,34)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (40,40,40,40,40)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (59,59,59,59,59)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (65,65,65,65,65)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (4,4,4,4,4)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (62,62,62,62,62)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (51,51,51,51,51)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (86,86,86,86,86)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (94,94,94,94,94)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (81,81,81,81,81)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (70,70,70,70,70)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (85,85,85,85,85)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (88,88,88,88,88)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (98,98,98,98,98)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (26,26,26,26,26)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (69,69,69,69,69)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (35,35,35,35,35)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (2,2,2,2,2)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (42,42,42,42,42)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (60,60,60,60,60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (80,80,80,80,80)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (33,33,33,33,33)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (99,99,99,99,99)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (91,91,91,91,91)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (13,13,13,13,13)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (36,36,36,36,36)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (95,95,95,95,95)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (23,23,23,23,23)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (77,77,77,77,77)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (92,92,92,92,92)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (44,44,44,44,44)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (83,83,83,83,83)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (76,76,76,76,76)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (64,64,64,64,64)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (16,16,16,16,16)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (27,27,27,27,27)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (52,52,52,52,52)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (12,12,12,12,12)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (1,1,1,1,1)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (37,37,37,37,37)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (100,100,100,100,100)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (61,61,61,61,61)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (71,71,71,71,71)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (56,56,56,56,56)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (22,22,22,22,22)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (25,25,25,25,25)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (30,30,30,30,30)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (12,12,12,12,12)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (1,1,1,1,1)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (37,37,37,37,37)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (100,100,100,100,100)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (61,61,61,61,61)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (71,71,71,71,71)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (56,56,56,56,56)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (22,22,22,22,22)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (25,25,25,25,24)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t values (30,30,30,30,10)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from t intersect select * from t
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select count(*) from (select * from t intersect select * from t ) as cnt
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0109: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0110: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0110: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0110: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0110: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0110: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0110: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0111: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select cast(1 as hugeint)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0111: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select 10000000 * 100000 * 11.51 + 51.097 * 100000;
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0111: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select convert(1000000000000000000 , decimal(20)) * 100000000000000 * 11.51 + 51.097 * 100000000000000;
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0111: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select convert ( 10000000 * 100000 * 11.51 , decimal(15)) + convert (51.097 * 100000 , decimal(15));
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0111: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select convert (convert(1000000000000000000 , decimal(20)) * 100000000000000 * 11.51 , decimal(35)) + convert (51.097 * 100000000000000 , decimal(35));
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table tab3205(pos int, col inet)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into tab3205 values(1, '')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into tab3205 values(2, inet '')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into tab3205 values(3, cast('' as inet))
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from tab3205 order by pos
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from tab3205 where col = '' order by pos
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from tab3205 where col = inet '' order by pos
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from tab3205 where col = cast('' as inet) order by pos
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from tab3205 where col = inet '' order by pos
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from tab3205 where col = inet '' order by pos
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from tab3205 order by pos
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0112: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table tab3205
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0113: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0113: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0113: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0113: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0113: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0113: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0113: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0113: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0113: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t (id int, x int, y int)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0113: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from t as t1, t as t2 where power((t1.x - t2.x),2) < power((t1.y -
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0113: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t2972(u url)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t2972 values('http://www.cwi.nl/~mk/vision2011.pdf')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t2972 values('http://www.monetdb.com?x=2')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t2972 values('http://www.monetdb.org:8080/Documentation/Manuals/SQLreference/Datamanipulation')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select getanchor(u) from t2972
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select getbasename(u) from t2972
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select getcontext(u) from t2972
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select getdomain(u) from t2972
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select getextension(u) from t2972
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select getfile(u) from t2972
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select gethost(u) from t2972
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select getport(u) from t2972
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select getquery(u) from t2972
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select getuser(u) from t2972
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select getroboturl(u) from t2972
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select isaurl(u) from t2972
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select isaurl('http://www.monetdb.org')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select isaurl('http://www.monetdb.org')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select isaurl('htp:///www.monetdb.org')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select newurl('https','www.monetdb.org',8080,'blah')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select newurl('https','localhost','boe')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: drop table t2972
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table t2972(u url)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into t2972 values ('file:///export/scratch1/home/monet/testing/f8e03e321dba-4-1-3/MonetDB/sql/test/BugTracker-2012/Tests/url_script_test.Bug-2972.txt')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0114: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0115: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0115: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0115: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0115: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0115: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0115: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0115: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(60)
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0115: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0115: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:37: client0115: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table huge(
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0115: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: insert into huge values(
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0115: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, t.name, case when t.type in (select table_type_id from sys.table_types where table_type_name like '%VIEW%') then 'VIEW' else 'TABLE' end from sys.tables t, sys.schemas s where not t.system and t.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, f.name, ft.function_type_keyword from functions f, schemas s, function_types ft where not f.system and f.schema_id = s.id and f.type = ft.function_type_id
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select s.name, q.name from sys.sequences q, schemas s where q.schema_id = s.id
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.schemas where not system
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select name from sys.users where name not in ('monetdb', '.snapshot')
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: call sys.setsessiontimeout(180)
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select * from sys.types where sqlname = 'hugeint'
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: start transaction
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: create table huge(
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a0 = 2 where a0 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a1 = 2 where a1 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a2 = 2 where a2 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a3 = 2 where a3 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a4 = 2 where a4 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a5 = 2 where a5 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a6 = 2 where a6 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a7 = 2 where a7 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a8 = 2 where a8 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a9 = 2 where a9 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a10 = 2 where a10 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a11 = 2 where a11 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a12 = 2 where a12 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a13 = 2 where a13 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a14 = 2 where a14 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a15 = 2 where a15 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a16 = 2 where a16 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a17 = 2 where a17 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a18 = 2 where a18 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a19 = 2 where a19 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a20 = 2 where a20 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a21 = 2 where a21 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a22 = 2 where a22 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a23 = 2 where a23 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a24 = 2 where a24 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a25 = 2 where a25 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a26 = 2 where a26 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a27 = 2 where a27 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a28 = 2 where a28 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a29 = 2 where a29 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a30 = 2 where a30 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a31 = 2 where a31 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a32 = 2 where a32 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a33 = 2 where a33 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a34 = 2 where a34 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a35 = 2 where a35 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a36 = 2 where a36 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a37 = 2 where a37 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a38 = 2 where a38 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a39 = 2 where a39 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a40 = 2 where a40 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a41 = 2 where a41 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a42 = 2 where a42 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a43 = 2 where a43 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a44 = 2 where a44 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a45 = 2 where a45 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a46 = 2 where a46 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a47 = 2 where a47 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a48 = 2 where a48 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a49 = 2 where a49 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a50 = 2 where a50 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a51 = 2 where a51 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a52 = 2 where a52 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a53 = 2 where a53 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a54 = 2 where a54 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a55 = 2 where a55 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a56 = 2 where a56 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a57 = 2 where a57 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a58 = 2 where a58 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a59 = 2 where a59 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a60 = 2 where a60 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a61 = 2 where a61 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a62 = 2 where a62 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a63 = 2 where a63 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a64 = 2 where a64 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a65 = 2 where a65 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a66 = 2 where a66 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a67 = 2 where a67 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a68 = 2 where a68 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a69 = 2 where a69 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a70 = 2 where a70 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a71 = 2 where a71 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a72 = 2 where a72 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a73 = 2 where a73 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a74 = 2 where a74 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a75 = 2 where a75 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a76 = 2 where a76 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a77 = 2 where a77 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a78 = 2 where a78 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a79 = 2 where a79 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a80 = 2 where a80 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a81 = 2 where a81 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a82 = 2 where a82 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a83 = 2 where a83 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a84 = 2 where a84 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a85 = 2 where a85 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a86 = 2 where a86 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a87 = 2 where a87 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a88 = 2 where a88 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a89 = 2 where a89 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a90 = 2 where a90 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a91 = 2 where a91 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a92 = 2 where a92 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a93 = 2 where a93 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a94 = 2 where a94 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a95 = 2 where a95 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a96 = 2 where a96 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a97 = 2 where a97 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a98 = 2 where a98 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: update huge set a99 = 2 where a99 is null
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0116: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: rollback
#2024-04-26 00:57:38: client0117: SQLrun: INFO: Executing: select count(*), max(id) from sys.bbp()
#SIGUSR1 info start
#Virtual memory allocated: 11665824, of which 8782240 with malloc
#gdk_vm_maxsize: 8589934592, gdk_mem_maxsize: 27393153454
#gdk_mmap_minsize_persistent 262144, gdk_mmap_minsize_transient 1712072090
#Virtual size: 2355163136, anonymous RSS: 83062784, shared RSS: 45875200 (together: 128937984)
#fix, dirty, persistent, loaded, hot: 1 bats, 0 virtual, 0 malloc
#fix, dirty, transient, loaded, hot: 7277 bats, 51400 virtual, 51400 malloc
#fix, clean, persistent, loaded, hot: 5 bats, 7168 virtual, 7168 malloc
#no fix, dirty, persistent, loaded, hot: 154 bats, 1229312 virtual, 1229312 malloc
#no fix, dirty, transient, loaded, hot: 48 bats, 0 virtual, 0 malloc
#no fix, clean, persistent, loaded, hot: 90 bats, 3557143 virtual, 673559 malloc
#12660 bats total, 7575 in use, 4980 free bats in common shared list
#client0117, tid 117, Thread 0x7f3d9956e6c0, LWP 2168875, 0 free bats, waiting for nothing, working on exiting
#heartbeat, tid 16, Thread 0x7f3d9976f6c0, LWP 2168643, 0 free bats, waiting for nothing, working on sleeping
#listenThread, tid 15, Thread 0x7f3d983916c0, LWP 2168642, 0 free bats, waiting for nothing, working on nothing
#logmanager, tid 14, Thread 0x7f3d902c16c0, LWP 2168640, 10 free bats, waiting for nothing, working on sleeping
#DFLOWworker0011, tid 11, Thread 0x7f3d999706c0, LWP 2168637, 30 free bats, waiting for semaphore DFLOWsema0011, working on idle, waiting for new client
#DFLOWworker0010, tid 10, Thread 0x7f3d99b716c0, LWP 2168636, 10 free bats, waiting for semaphore todo, working on waiting for work
#DFLOWworker0009, tid 9, Thread 0x7f3d99d726c0, LWP 2168635, 8 free bats, waiting for semaphore todo, working on waiting for work
#DFLOWworker0008, tid 8, Thread 0x7f3d99f736c0, LWP 2168634, 5 free bats, waiting for semaphore DFLOWsema0008, working on idle, waiting for new client
#DFLOWworker0007, tid 7, Thread 0x7f3d9a1746c0, LWP 2168633, 8 free bats, waiting for semaphore todo, working on waiting for work
#DFLOWworker0006, tid 6, Thread 0x7f3d9a3756c0, LWP 2168632, 9 free bats, waiting for semaphore todo, working on waiting for work
#DFLOWworker0005, tid 5, Thread 0x7f3d93fff6c0, LWP 2168631, 7 free bats, waiting for semaphore todo, working on waiting for work
#DFLOWworker0004, tid 4, Thread 0x7f3d9a5766c0, LWP 2168630, 18 free bats, waiting for semaphore todo, working on waiting for work
#DFLOWworker0003, tid 3, Thread 0x7f3d9a7776c0, LWP 2168629, 0 free bats, waiting for semaphore todo, working on waiting for work
#BBPmanager, tid 2, Thread 0x7f3de3fff6c0, LWP 2168628, 0 free bats, waiting for nothing, working on sleeping
#main thread, tid 1, Thread 0x7f3de59c1740, LWP 2168627, 0 free bats, waiting for nothing, working on nothing
#0 active clients, 0 finishing clients, 0 blocked clients
#SQL store oldest pending 2637
#logger sql:
#current log file 162, last handled log file 161
#current transaction id 370, saved transaction id 369
#number of flushers: 0
#number of catalog entries 244, of which 0 deleted
#pending range 162: drops 0, last_ts 2577, flushed_ts 2577, refcount 1, file size 144 (current)
#SIGUSR1 info end
Mismatch in free bats: total bats = 12660, #free = 5085, #used = 0