next version release should fix this.. or use monetdblite which already has the fix (the example scripts i sent use monetdblite)

On Dec 30, 2015 11:53 PM, "Jigar Shah" <> wrote:

Thanks a lot Dr. Hannes, Anthony. The trick worked perfectly. See the stats below:



However, there is one odd behavior I have noticed. Even after completion of the query, the RAM usage is still the same as when running the query. The RAM usage only reduces once I terminate the connection and stop the server.

Is this behavior normal for the MonetDB server ?  Also, ‘Src_MonetDB’ creates a separate connection than ‘dbConnect’

Can the two connection run at the same time ? I noticed that sometimes when I use the Src_MonetDB connection, the dbConnect gets terminated automatically.

Thanks a lot for your help on these.

Best Regards,


Sent from Mail for Windows 10


From: Anthony Damico
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 6:22 AM
To: Communication channel for MonetDB users
Subject: Re: Extract Table Statistics after Data import using Monet.Read.Csv


for an example of this, see

On Dec 29, 2015 2:50 AM, "Hannes Mühleisen" <> wrote:

Hi Jigar,

> On 29.12.2015, at 01:21, Jigar Shah <> wrote:
> The dataset is divided into have 12 tables of approx. 2 GB each. In order to recreate the entire dataset, I want to use the MERGE function to merge all the 12 tables into one dataset for further analysis.
You can pass a vector of _all_ your file names to, this will load all of them into a new table and does not require the merge. The different schemas come from the function guessing the column types from the file.


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