Thanks very much for your reply confirming what I understood based on MonetDB architecture. Please allow me another follow-up question
Will there be an issue on a 64 bit system? Is there an algorithm/logic that I can use to identify the maximum number rows that I can load in one table based on the size of the row?
- Venkatesh

On 4/25/07, Niels Nes <> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 24, 2007 at 09:27:13PM -0400, Venks wrote:
>    Hi,
>    Is there any relation between CPU, RAM and the amount of data that
>    can be loaded into a MonetDB database?
>    I am trying to load 13.4 million rows of data and I am getting
>    "Segmentation Fault" on a Linux box running on 32 bit CPU with 4GB
>    RAM.
>    I had similar issues on a Windows box too?
Yes there are relations between the 'addressable' memory and the
amount of data MonetDB can handle. With a 32 bit system your adress
space is at best 4G. So if your records are larger than about 320 bytes
13.4 Million rows cannot fit.

>    Thanks,
>    - Venkatesh

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Niels Nes, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)
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