Revisiting your question and query: SELECT ( CASE WHEN ( table_one.this_column IN ( SELECT this_column FROM table_two ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS new_column FROM table_one ;

You can use sub-queries in the select-list, but they need to return a scalar value (and preferably be correlated) for each row of table_one. So use for instance:
SELECT this_column, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_two t2 WHERE t2.this_column = table_one.this_column) AS new_column FROM table_one;

For the derivation of whether a match of this_column value exists in t2 or not, use:
SELECT this_column, (CASE WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_two t2 WHERE t2.this_column = table_one.this_column) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS new_column FROM table_one;
| this_column | new_column |
|           1 |          1 |
|           2 |          1 |
|           3 |          0 |
|           4 |          0 |
|           5 |          0 |
5 tuples (37.294ms)

You can use groupings on this query result, such as:
SELECT COUNT(*), (CASE WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_two t2 WHERE t2.this_column = table_one.this_column) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS new_column  FROM table_one GROUP BY new_column;

This query unfortunately does not return a result in the Jun2016-SP2 release, which is a defect. Thanks for reporting this in Bugzilla.

To (temporarily) workaround this defect problem, I found you can use a view. Create it via:
CREATE VIEW table_one_vw AS
SELECT this_column, (CASE WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_two t2 WHERE t2.this_column = table_one.this_column) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS new_column FROM table_one;

and next do the grouping on the view:
SELECT COUNT(*), new_column FROM table_one_vw GROUP BY new_column;

or with multiple aggregations per group:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, MIN(this_column) AS min_this_column, MAX(this_column) AS max_this_column, AVG(this_column) AS avg_this_column, SUM(this_column) AS sum_this_column, new_column FROM table_one_vw GROUP BY new_column;
| count | min_this | max_this | avg_this_column          | sum_this | new_colu |
:       : _column  : _column  :                          : _column  : mn       :
|     2 |        1 |        2 |                      1.5 |        3 |        1 |
|     3 |        3 |        5 |                        4 |       12 |        0 |
2 tuples (50.325ms)

These solutions give correct results, even if the values in this_column contain duplicates in table_one or in table_two or in both. Try it.

If you do not want to create a view (once), you can also use a WITH common table expression construct:
WITH table_one_cte AS (SELECT this_column, (CASE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_two t2 WHERE t2.this_column = table_one.this_column) WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS new_column FROM table_one) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, MIN(this_column) AS min_this_column, MAX(this_column) AS max_this_column, AVG(this_column) AS avg_this_column, SUM(this_column) AS sum_this_column, new_column FROM table_one_cte GROUP BY new_column;

Note, the below suggested join-query:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, (CASE WHEN t2.this_column IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS new_column
  FROM table_one t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN table_two t2 ON t1.this_column = t2.this_column
 GROUP BY new_column;

will NOT give your desired results if this_column values in table_two contain duplicates!

The below UNION ALL query however works okay, even if the values in this_column contain duplicates in table_one or in table_two or in both.

Martin van Dinther

On 16-11-2016 15:11, Anthony Damico wrote:
ooof, i guess i might need to implement a join after all.  seems like the cleaner option..  thanks Martin for taking the time to help me out!

On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 8:32 AM, dinther <> wrote:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, 1 AS new_column FROM table_one
 WHERE this_column IN (SELECT this_column FROM table_two)
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, 0 AS new_column FROM table_one
 WHERE this_column NOT IN (SELECT this_column FROM table_two);

or with a join:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, (CASE WHEN t2.this_column IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS new_column
  FROM table_one t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN table_two t2 ON t1.this_column = t2.this_column
 GROUP BY new_column;

On 16-11-2016 12:35, Anthony Damico wrote:
hi monetdb team,

i've pasted a minimal reproducible example of a few SQL queries that i had expected to work -- only about half of them do work, and the other half just error with 'ParseException:SQLparser:'

my goal is to get the very last line working, so if anybody could suggest a hack or a workaround that doesn't involve a JOIN, i would appreciate it.  thanks all!!

CREATE TABLE table_one (this_column INTEGER) ;
INSERT INTO table_one VALUES (1) ;
INSERT INTO table_one VALUES (2) ;
INSERT INTO table_one VALUES (3) ;
INSERT INTO table_one VALUES (4) ;
INSERT INTO table_one VALUES (5) ;

CREATE TABLE table_two (this_column INTEGER) ;
INSERT INTO table_two VALUES (1) ;
INSERT INTO table_two VALUES (2) ;

# works as expected
SELECT SUM( ( table_one.this_column IN ( SELECT this_column FROM table_two ) ) ) FROM table_one ;
SELECT MAX( ( table_one.this_column IN ( SELECT this_column FROM table_two ) ) ) FROM table_one ;

# fails
SELECT ( table_one.this_column IN ( SELECT this_column FROM table_two ) ) AS new_column FROM table_one ;

# Server says 'ParseException:SQLparser:'.

# works
SELECT AVG( CASE WHEN table_one.this_column IN ( SELECT this_column FROM table_two ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS new_column FROM table_one ;

# fails
SELECT ( CASE WHEN ( table_one.this_column IN ( SELECT this_column FROM table_two ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS new_column FROM table_one ;

# Server says 'ParseException:SQLparser:'.

# fails [[this query is the one i would like to implement]]
SELECT COUNT(*) , ( CASE WHEN ( table_one.this_column IN ( SELECT this_column FROM table_two ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS new_column FROM table_one GROUP BY new_column ;

# Server says 'ParseException:SQLparser:'.

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