Hello Everyone,


I’ve found the solution in the meantime:

SELECT sys.epoch(str_to_timestamp('2018-02-15 10:04:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'));


Best regards,



From: users-list [mailto:users-list-bounces+marcell.bernat=arh.hu@monetdb.org] On Behalf Of Bernát Marcell
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 11:32 AM
To: users-list@monetdb.org
Subject: Converting a timestamp to a UNIX timestamp


Dear MonetDB users,


I’m looking for a way to convert a timestamp (or timestamp string) like „2018-02-14 23:59:59” to a UNIX timestamp using MonetDB’s functions. In MySQL this can be done using the function UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), so I’m looking for the MonetDB equivalent of that, if it exists.


I found sys.epoch(), but that does the opposite of what I need.


Thanks in advance.


Best regards,
