Hi there,

I'm running a monetdb server with the 2014-SP2 version.

I have 61GB of RAM with CentOS 6.5.

I have one table with almost 100M rows.

I do cycles of 85000 inserts and everything is fine for the first ones, but after some cycles it just gives the error "database was killed by signal SIGSEGV"

On my var/log/messages gives the error  :
kernel: mserver5[6773]: segfault at 18 ip error 4 in lib_sql.so.

In the beginning everything was fine, I manage to insert the 100M and I didn't had any problems, but now it's constantly crashing.

My database size is more or less 40GB. The memory on the server occupied doesn't reach 1GB.

Any suggestions of what to look for?