Hi there,

We have an issue about the remote table on monetdb version of 2016 (sp1
and sp2)
on Ubuntu 14.04 and on Windows Server2012 R2 

The scenario for reproducing the issue with two nodes

on node1
Create a table on remote node and fill it:

CREATE TABLE test(id int not null, name text, valid boolean);
INSERT INTO test (id, name) VALUES (1, '1');
INSERT INTO test (id, name) VALUES (2, '2');
INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (3);

on node2
CREATE REMOTE TABLE test(id int not null, name text, valid boolean) ON

Then on node2:
select * from test;
| id   | name | valid |
|    1 | 1    | null  |
|    2 | 2    | null  |
|    3 | null | null  |

It works fine, but:

select * from test where name is null;   
| id | name | valid |                       

id 3 should appear here. Furthermore:

select * from test where name is not
(mapi:monetdb://monetdb@ Cannot
table(sys.test) [ test.id NOT NULL, test.name, test.valid ]
) [ clob "NULL" !  <= test.name !  <= clob "NULL"
) [ test.id NOT NULL, test.name, test.valid ] REMOTE

select * from test where valid is null;  
illegal input, not a JSON header (got '')    

and node1 is crashed (need : monetdb start farm).

After downgrading on ubuntu 14.04 to version of 2015 (SP4) this
scenraio works fine.
