Dear MonetDB users,
I have just started using MonetDB and created several tables. When
I try to write data to the database via the ODBC driver (using iSQL-Viewer, Visual basic or MS Access) I always get the same problem which tells me that either the database is read-only or that the ODBC driver is not supporting it. reading is not a problem. A friend of mine has the same problem on his computer. Could anyone please tell me if there is any way to resolve this problem?
Thanks and regards
PS. The VB code I use to connect to the database via and write a value into the table:

Sub dbf_OpenDB()
    Dim rs_MONETDB As Recordset
    Dim db_GLOB as Database
    Set db_GLOB = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("", False, False, "DSN=MonetDB;")
    Set rs_MONETDB = db_GLOB.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tablename;")
        While Not rs_MONETDB.EOF
        i = i + 1
        rs_MONETDB.Edit           'once code gets here it tells me that database or object is read only
        rs_MONETDB("columnname") = value 
End Sub