

The Moentdb is crashing every couple of weeks due to out of memory in our environment.   What I have noticed that MonetDB is eating memory and not releasing it at all once we brought up the MonetDB server.  I am not sure if this is how MonetDB works or is it a bug.   This is running on monetdbd[2247] 1.7 (Aug2018-SP2)  version.  Also wondering is there way to limit the memory usage of MonetDB.


Can you guys help me to resolve this issue.   


[root@xxx ~]# monetdb status

name    state   health                     remarks

INVPRDB  R  6h   67%  3d  mapi:monetdb://xxxxx:50000/INVPRDB

FSPPRDB  R  6h   50%  6w  mapi:monetdb://xxxxx:50000/FSPPRDB

[root@xxxxx ~]# free -g  ---  Current utilization

              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available

Mem:             31           0          22           0           7          30

Swap:             3           0           3









Suresh Devarakonda


TDO -  Database Support Team

D: 513.632.3692

M: 859.512.1839

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