Dear MonetDB Team,

We're starting to exercise our MonetDB installation more heavily now and I've run into a strange issue where I get an occasional "COMMIT: failed" message.

It seems that the conditions required to produce this are:

- Concurrently inserting into two different tables
- At the same time, issuing a SELECT COUNT(*) against either of those tables

I've logged a bug with more detailed information, including a Java test case:

I'm only just starting my investigation, but I suspect that COUNT(*) may be the culprit, since other selects like SELECT * don't seem to have this problem.

Does this ring any bells?  Are there any special optimizations for COUNT(*) that bypass the underlying BAT and/or have side effects on some shared table somewhere that could be causing a concurrency violation?



Percy Wegmann
+1 512 637 8500 ext 148