Hi Dave!

Thanks a lot for your answer. I tried to do the EXPLAIN, but (telling you the truth) I dont understand anything on the explain. Does this make sense to you ? 
I tried to attach the EXPLAIN but the message exceeds the limit of the forum, so I uploaded in here http://paste.ofcode.org/F4WAGkHquUGHDbmbRC6hCp, can you please check it?

Thank you very much in advance!

Ariel Abadi
Direct: +54 11 5279.2054
Mobile:+54 9 11 6050.0101

On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 12:16 PM, Anderson, David B <david.b.anderson@citi.com> wrote:



I’ve seen something similar when I’ve added count() to an aggregate query using merge tables. You might try adding an explain statement to see what the server is doing. I am wondering if the server constructs the entire cdr_date column (and starts swapping to disk - hence the 21 min), and then returns the first three entries.


I also ran into problems with columns not being found in the DB catalog of slave instances when using merge tables. It clearly looked like a bug, but I didn’t have the time to put together a reproducible test case.




From: users-list [mailto:users-list-bounces+david.b.anderson=citi.com@monetdb.org] On Behalf Of Ariel Abadi
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 2:39 PM
To: Communication channel for MonetDB users
Subject: MERGE Tables works ?


Hi Everybody!


Im facing a problem. We register telecomunications calls. As the volume is so big, we decided to store the data in different tables. The criteria we used for splitting the info was to create a table per each Switch and Day.


So we have Sw1_20160601, Sw2_20160602...Sw3_20160620..etc etc Each table has aprox 15MM rows. 


In order to create some reports we have created a MERGE TABLE and added to this table the 90 tables (3 switches x 30 days). BUT, now Im trying to run a very simple query, like SELECT cdr_date FROM xxxx LIMIT 3;  To get at least 3 rows (just to see that this schema works).


It took 21 mins to give me those 3 rows....


Am I doing something wrong? 




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