Dear all,

I am using MonetDB for 64 bit Windows from the package MonetDB5-SQL-Installer-x86_64-20131120.msi.

If I compile the example mapi program from here and cause an error in a query (e.g. incorrect port number in mapi_connect params) then the application will crash with the following message:

0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x0000000000000024

This appears to happen if any of the following functions are called:

    mapi_explain(dbh, stderr);
    mapi_explain_query(hdl, stderr);
    mapi_explain_result(hdl, stderr);

The same code works correctly on Ubuntu 13.04 with MonetDB-11.15.17​.

Can anyone reproduce this error on Windows?  

Best regards and thanks,
