
I am implementing group_concat in MAL language, this is what i have sofar,
CREATE AGGREGATE group_concat(val STRING) 
returns STRING
external name "udf"."group_concat";

module udf;
function group_concat(b:bat[:oid,:str]):str;
barrier (h,t):= iterator.new(b);
        redo (h,t) := iterator.next(b);
exit (h,t);
return r;
end group_concat;

when i use group_concat in group by, i get this error:
TypeException:user.s1_1[105]:'udf.subgroup_concat' undefined in: _168:bat[:oid,:
str] := udf.subgroup_concat(_167:bat[:oid,:str], _153:bat[:oid,:oid], r1_153:bat
[:oid,:oid], _169:bit)
program contains errors

any help or reference to implement an aggregate function?
Thank you.

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 11:46 AM, imad hajj chahine <imad.hajj.chahine@gmail.com> wrote:

Does monetdb support recursive CTE? 
Does monetdb has a group_concat similar function? if no how to do a similar operation?
Does monetdb support execution of sql string? if no how to do dynamic pivot tables?

Thank you.

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Martin Kersten <Martin.Kersten@cwi.nl> wrote:

Consider loading the objects into a column without KEY constraint first
and then select/delete duplicates using a query and, finally,
alter the constraint

On 23/12/13 10:17, Vasilis Efthymiou wrote:
I am trying to bulk-load a list of objects into a one-column (primary
key) db. The only reason is to remove duplicates. I can't load the list
in memory, because the file size is way greater than my memory size.

I use monetdb's COPY-INTO

command, but I don't want it to fail when there is a duplicate. I want
it to add everything that is not a duplicate and skip the duplicates.

Is there any way to do that with monetdb? Any other way?

Thank you in advance!

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