Hi All!
I'm resending to the new user list.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ariel Abadi <aabadi@starbi.com>
Date: Fri, Feb 4, 2022, 18:44
Subject: COPY SELECT INTO with problems on new version 11.43.5 (Jan2022)
To: Communication channel for MonetDB users <users-list@monetdb.org>

Hi All!
We found a problem on the new version 11.43.5 (Jan2022).

We have some processes that run the COPY SELECT INTO to "move" data from monetdb to other different databases. 
We are expecting to receive an "answer" from monetdb affected, when the export finishes, like in the example below that informes "3 affected rows"
sql>COPY SELECT * FROM cars INTO '/tmp/cars_out.csv' USING DELIMITERS ',' , '\n' , '"';
3 affected rows
While we run the same query on the new server, mclient/monetdb is not returning anything like the image below.
sql>COPY SELECT * FROM cars INTO '/tmp/cars_out.csv' USING DELIMITERS ',' , '\n' , '"';

 Does anybody have the same issue? Am i doing something wrong?

Thks a lot in advance!
