So what was the reason for the failure?
The escape character?
Some examples on the web site have the double escape.

Is it possible to have an error file detailing the attempted import per line?

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From: Stefan Manegold <>;
To: Communication channel for MonetDB users <>;
Subject: Re: copy into failed to import table
Sent: Wed, Nov 27, 2013 4:26:54 PM

Please use correct(ly quoted) delimiters:

sql>CREATE TABLE staging_simple_results(
more>lookup varchar(20) NULL,
more>extra_symbol varchar(20) NULL,
more>measure1 tinyint NULL,
more>base_temp float NULL
operation successful (2.293ms)
sql>copy into staging_simple_results from ('/tmp/simple_import.csv') delimiters ',', '\\r\\n';
failed to import table
sql>copy into staging_simple_results from '/tmp/simple_import.csv' delimiters ',', '\\r\\n';
failed to import table
sql>copy into staging_simple_results from ('/tmp/simple_import.csv') delimiters ',', '\r\n';
2 affected rows (72.238ms)
sql>copy into staging_simple_results from '/tmp/simple_import.csv' delimiters ',', '\r\n';
2 affected rows (71.465ms)


----- Original Message -----
> I am using the latest version. MonetDB 5 server v11.15.17 "Feb2013-SP5".
> The server and client are running under my account. The files and folders
> were also created with my account.
> Here is a simpler version which also encounters the "failed to import table"
> message.
> CREATE TABLE staging_simple_results(
> lookup varchar(20) NULL,
> extra_symbol varchar(20) NULL,
> measure1 tinyint NULL,
> base_temp float NULL
> )
> ;
> Here are the contents of the same input, in a file called
> D:\junk\simple_import.csv. The file is also attached.
> one,two,3,4.023456787
> green,brown,2,8.3456837
> This is the statement I issued for the bulk load.
> copy into staging_simple_results from ('D:\junk\simple_import.csv')
> delimiters ',', '\\r\\n'
> ;
> On 2013-11-27 09:03, Colin Foss wrote:
> >
> > I created a table with 43 columns. The table contains char,
> > varchar, and tinyint datatypes. I am running on Windows Server
> > 2008 R2 64bit. The file contains two rows and is comma separated.
> > The file is BCP output from MSSQL. When I tried to bulk load into
> > the table from a file with a COPY INTO command I got an unhelpful
> > message.
> >
> > "failed to import table"
> >
> > How can I find out why the import failed?
> Which version of MonetDB are you using? I seem to remember fixing a
> problem where the actual failure message wasn't propagated to the
> level where the error was reported.
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