

We are migrating our MonetDB database from MonetDB v11.27.13 (Jul2017-SP4) to MonetDB v11.33.3 (Apr 2019).


We tried to bring up the DB instance with MonetDB v11.33.3 (Apr 2019), but getting below error though the same when we tried with previous version MonetDB v11.31.13 (Aug2018-SP2) it worked.


Could you help us to identify the issue?


2019-07-24 04:00:21 ERR TSV_PROD_DB_T[88767]: #main thread:!ERROR: BBPcheckbats: cannot stat file /monet_data01/DBFARM_TSV_TEST/TSV_PROD_DB_T/bat/10/45/104502.tail

2019-07-24 04:00:21 ERR TSV_PROD_DB_T[88767]: #main thread:!OS: No such file or directory

2019-07-24 04:00:21 ERR TSV_PROD_DB_T[88767]: !FATAL: BBPinit: BBPcheckbats failed

2019-07-24 04:00:21 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_T[88767]: !ERROR: BBPcheckbats: cannot stat file /monet_data01/DBFARM_TSV_TEST/TSV_PROD_DB_T/bat/10/45/104502.tail

2019-07-24 04:00:21 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_T[88767]: !OS: No such file or directory

2019-07-24 04:00:23 MSG merovingian[88722]: database 'TSV_PROD_DB_T' (88767) has exited with exit status 1

2019-07-24 04:00:24 ERR control[88722]: (local): failed to fork mserver: database 'TSV_PROD_DB_T' appears to shut itself down after starting, check monetdbd's logfile (merovingian.log) for possible hints

2019-07-24 04:02:18 MSG control[88722]: (local): served status list



