Hello all:


This is more of curiosity but I have data in my events table currently trapped in a nvarchar field.

I am wondering if I can build a table and do execute a select into with a python UDF pulling data from the existing fields plus the values of my nvarchar field.


My string data has the following format –


“key1=value, key2=val, key3=value”…


I want to break out the data first by splitting on the , and then the =

Keys would be the columns in the table.


I can do this with a python script and pymonetdb but a UDF would be faster.


Adam Doherty

Process Control Systems Administrator

Kearl Technical, Imperial

505 Quarry Park Blvd SE


Calgary, AB T2C 5N1

adam.doherty@esso.ca    P 587.476.4640   M 403.869.1636

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