
The usual questions:
Which version of MonetDB
What kind of workload triggers this?


-------- Original message --------
From: "Murthy, Gautham" <Gautham.Murthy@harman.com>
Date: 13/08/2018 18:06 (GMT+01:00)
To: users-list@monetdb.org
Subject: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads



We had a DB crash reported with the below messages, Do we need alter any system level parameters or changes to avoid the below issue –

Server has 128 CPU and 1TB memory.


2018-08-13 08:46:31 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:46:31 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:46:31 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads




monetadmin soft nproc 102400

monetadmin hard nproc 102400

monetadmin soft nofile 500000

monetadmin hard nofile 500000

monetadmin soft stack 10240

monetadmin soft memlock unlimited

monetadmin hard memlock unlimited



[monetadmin@lnx1535 DBFARM_TSV_P_B]$ /monet_binaries/MonetDB-11.27.13_PY/bin/monetdb -p 50010 get all TSV_PROD_DB_B

     name          prop     source           value

TSV_PROD_DB_B    name      -        TSV_PROD_DB_B

TSV_PROD_DB_B    type      default  database

TSV_PROD_DB_B    shared    default  yes

TSV_PROD_DB_B    nthreads  default  128

TSV_PROD_DB_B    optpipe   local    sequential_pipe

TSV_PROD_DB_B    readonly  local    yes

TSV_PROD_DB_B    embedr    default  no

TSV_PROD_DB_B    embedpy   local    yes

TSV_PROD_DB_B    embedpy3  default  no

TSV_PROD_DB_B    nclients  local    2048

TSV_PROD_DB_B    dbextra   default  <unknown>

[monetadmin@lnx1535 DBFARM_TSV_P_B]$




2018-08-13 08:46:30 MSG merovingian[36790]: target connection is on local UNIX domain socket, passing on filedescriptor instead of proxying

2018-08-13 08:46:30 MSG merovingian[36790]: proxying client for database 'TSV_PROD_DB_B' to mapi:monetdb:///monet_data02/DBFARM_TSV_P_B/TSV_PROD_DB_B/.mapi.sock?database=TSV_PROD_DB_B

2018-08-13 08:46:30 MSG merovingian[36790]: target connection is on local UNIX domain socket, passing on filedescriptor instead of proxying

2018-08-13 08:46:31 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:46:31 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:46:31 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:46:31 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:46:31 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:46:31 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:46:31 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:46:31 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:46:31 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:46:31 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:46:31 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:46:31 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:46:33 MSG merovingian[36790]: proxying client for database 'TSV_PROD_DB_B' to mapi:monetdb:///monet_data02/DBFARM_TSV_P_B/TSV_PROD_DB_B/.mapi.sock?database=TSV_PROD_DB_B

2018-08-13 08:46:33 MSG merovingian[36790]: target connection is on local UNIX domain socket, passing on filedescriptor instead of proxying

2018-08-13 08:46:36 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:46:40 MSG merovingian[36790]: proxying client for database 'TSV_PROD_DB_B' to mapi:monetdb:///monet_data02/DBFARM_TSV_P_B/TSV_PROD_DB_B/.mapi.sock?database=TSV_PROD_DB_B

2018-08-13 08:46:40 MSG merovingian[36790]: target connection is on local UNIX domain socket, passing on filedescriptor instead of proxying

2018-08-13 08:46:42 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[57408]: #!ERROR: THRnew: too many threads

2018-08-13 08:47:47 MSG discovery[36790]: new neighbour lnx1536.ch3.prod.i.com (lnx1536.ch3.prod.i.com)

2018-08-13 08:47:48 MSG discovery[36790]: new database mapi:monetdb://lnx1536.ch3.prod.i.com:50010/TSV_PROD_DB_B (ttl=660s)

2018-08-13 08:48:55 MSG merovingian[36790]: database 'TSV_PROD_DB_B' (57408) has crashed (dumped core)

2018-08-13 08:49:12 MSG merovingian[36790]: database 'TSV_PROD_DB_B' has crashed after start on 2018-08-13 05:35:17, attempting restart, up min/avg/max: 2h/5d/3w, crash average: 1.00 0.70 0.43 (23-10=13)

2018-08-13 08:49:12 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[72455]: arguments: /monet_binaries/MonetDB-11.27.13_PY/bin/mserver5 --dbpath=/monet_data02/DBFARM_TSV_P_B/TSV_PROD_DB_B --set merovingian_uri=mapi:monetdb://lnx1535.ch3.prod.i.com:50010/TSV_PROD_DB_B --set mapi_open=false --set mapi_port=0 --set

2018-08-13 08:49:12 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[72455]:  mapi_usock=/monet_data02/DBFARM_TSV_P_B/TSV_PROD_DB_B/.mapi.sock --set monet_vault_key=/monet_data02/DBFARM_TSV_P_B/TSV_PROD_DB_B/.vaultkey --set gdk_nr_threads=128 --set max_clients=2048 --set sql_optimizer=sequential_pipe --set embedded_py=true --readonly --set monet_daemon=yes

2018-08-13 08:49:12 MSG TSV_PROD_DB_B[72455]:

2018-08-13 08:49:12 MSG merovingian[36790]: proxying client for database 'TSV_PROD_DB_B' to mapi:monetdb:///monet_data02/DBFARM_TSV_P_B/TSV_PROD_DB_B/.mapi.sock?database=TSV_PROD_DB_B

2018-08-13 08:49:12 MSG merovingian[36790]: proxying client for database 'TSV_PROD_DB_B' to mapi:monetdb:///monet_data02/DBFARM_TSV_P_B/TSV_PROD_DB_B/.mapi.sock?database=TSV_PROD_DB_B

2018-08-13 08:49:12 MSG merovingian[36790]: starting a proxy failed: cannot connect: Connection refused

2018-08-13 08:49:12 ERR control[36790]: !monetdbd: an internal error has occurred 'cannot connect: Connection refused'

2018-08-13 08:49:12 ERR merovingian[36790]: client error: cannot connect: Connection refused

2018-08-13 08:49:12 MSG merovingian[36790]: proxying client for database 'TSV_PROD_DB_B' to mapi:monetdb:///monet_data02/DBFARM_TSV_P_B/TSV_PROD_DB_B/.mapi.sock?database=TSV_PROD_DB_B

2018-08-13 08:49:12 ERR control[36790]: !monetdbd: an internal error has occurred 'cannot connect: Connection refused'

2018-08-13 08:49:12 MSG merovingian[36790]: starting a proxy failed: cannot connect: Connection refused

2018-08-13 08:49:13 ERR merovingian[36790]: client error: cannot connect: Connection refused

2018-08-13 08:49:13 MSG merovingian[36790]: proxying client for database 'TSV_PROD_DB_B' to mapi:monetdb:///monet_data02/DBFARM_TSV_P_B/TSV_PROD_DB_B/.mapi.sock?database=TSV_PROD_DB_B





monetadmin soft nproc 102400

monetadmin hard nproc 102400

monetadmin soft nofile 500000

monetadmin hard nofile 500000

monetadmin soft stack 10240

monetadmin soft memlock unlimited

monetadmin hard memlock unlimited



[monetadmin@lnx1535 DBFARM_TSV_P_B]$ /monet_binaries/MonetDB-11.27.13_PY/bin/monetdb -p 50010 get all TSV_PROD_DB_B

     name          prop     source           value

TSV_PROD_DB_B    name      -        TSV_PROD_DB_B

TSV_PROD_DB_B    type      default  database

TSV_PROD_DB_B    shared    default  yes

TSV_PROD_DB_B    nthreads  default  128

TSV_PROD_DB_B    optpipe   local    sequential_pipe

TSV_PROD_DB_B    readonly  local    yes

TSV_PROD_DB_B    embedr    default  no

TSV_PROD_DB_B    embedpy   local    yes

TSV_PROD_DB_B    embedpy3  default  no

TSV_PROD_DB_B    nclients  local    2048

TSV_PROD_DB_B    dbextra   default  <unknown>

[monetadmin@lnx1535 DBFARM_TSV_P_B]$