Hi all --


Hopefully someone in this group can help me.  :-)


I am new to MonetDB and am having a problem setting up the connection for an SQL client.

Part of me is wondering if the problem is related to using the latest version of MonetDB (Oct 2020) with this MonetDB JDBC driver (monetdb-jdbc-2.29.jre7.jar).


I randomly chose SQuirrel on Windows and am open to alternatives. The connection I am trying to make is to MonetDB on Linux.

I followed the instructions carefully at: https://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/ClientInterfaces/SQuirreL


1. From Linux, here is my connection. I have no problems logging in on the host using mclient.


marc@HPZ620A: ip address

    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute eno1


marc@HPZ620A:~/tmp/mydbfarm$ mclient -u monetdb -d voc


Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (Oct2020)

Database: MonetDB v11.39.5 (Oct2020), 'mapi:monetdb://HPZ620A:50001/voc'




2. Still on Linix, here is the Server Running.


marc@HPZ620A: ps -auxw | grep 50001

marc     21727  0.2  0.2 2640864 92616 ?       Ssl  Nov13   2:50 /usr/bin/mserver5 --dbpath=/home/marc/tmp/mydbfarm/voc --set merovingian_uri mapi:monetdb://HPZ620A:50001/voc --set mapi_listenaddr none --set mapi_usock /home/marc/tmp/mydbfarm/voc/.mapi.sock --set monet_vault_key /home/marc/tmp/mydbfarm/voc/.vaultkey --set gdk_nr_threads 32 --set max_clients 64 --set sql_optimizer default_pipe




3. >From Windows, I can ping that server.




Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=59ms TTL=63

Reply from bytes=32 time=55ms TTL=63

Reply from bytes=32 time=58ms TTL=63

Reply from bytes=32 time=58ms TTL=63


Ping statistics for

    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

    Minimum = 55ms, Maximum = 59ms, Average = 57ms



4. The Squirrel Setup. Note that I did download the jar file from MonetDB, per the instructions.




5. And finally…. The error message when I try to connect!




Any suggestions on how I could solve this issue with SQuirrel or another Windows SQL client would be greatly appreciated.




--- Marc