Hi all,

a test with the gold data ....
no errors on the load

if i stop and restart the database errors is allways here.

sql>select age,gender, count(*), avg(price) from car group by age, gender;
| age |gender |count_gender |avg_price              |
|  19 |f      |      110025 |   -1449.6788093615087 |
|  41 |m      |       97200 |   -6411.6489300411522 |
52 |f      |       95940 |   -6467.6865332499483 |
Timer    2694.008 msec 92 rows
sql>select count(*) from car where price = 0;
| count_ |
|      0 |
Timer    2502.145 msec 1 rows
sql>select count(*) from car where price < 0;
| count_ |
|      0 |
Timer     148.724 msec 1 rows

see the trace file .


Pierre Boizot
Rue des philosophes , 13
1400 Yverdon les bains
Mobile : +41 795713660