
On 5/13/13 11:53 PM, Bouslah Ahmed wrote:

I am a student at a university in France.

I work on MonetDB, Windows platform.
A pity,because all serious development is done on Linux platforms.

I have some questions:

I want to optimize the "Group by" function of the SQL module in order to create a new function combining the "Group by" function and another function. For this I want to know:

1 - How to locate the class containing the code of the "Group by" function
MonetDB is not an object-oriented program, so there is no such thing a specific GroupBy class
2 - How to edit the code in question to change it
First look at the code produced by:
explain select * from tables group by name,query;
and you will understand that there is no such thing as a single operator
to do this.
3 - Which editor should be used to compile the project.
vi ;)
4 - I tried to use "Visual Studio 2012" to open the project "MonetDB" but I have not managed to do.
see above

regards, Martin

Ahmed Bouslah.

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