
I have a limited task at hand: I need to binary-load fixed-length strings, or byte arrays, or anything that is not a number. Is there workaround?

Thank you,

On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 2:14 PM, Sjoerd Mullender <> wrote:
On 2011-10-05 20:21, Mark Kerzner wrote:
> Hi,
> I've tried quite a few things (creating the files/strings with 0 at the
> end, with 0 and \n at the end, fixed length, etc.) but I still get an error
> sql>copy into sku from ('/home/mark/MonetDbData/myfile);
> SQLException:sql:failed to attach file /home/mark/MonetDbData/myfile
> I know that I can load integer values, because that works, so the
> problem must be in how I am formatting strings for MonetDB binary load.
> Are there any examples or any dumps to look at?

Attaching strings is not supported.  In other words, there is no way you
can do this with strings.

The reason that it is not supported is that the layout of strings is
much more complex.

Sjoerd Mullender

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