
I have used the MonetDB in production for some time, and I have nothing to complain about,
are tables with more than 30 columns and 30 million records, do analysis through cubes in Pentaho / Saiku.
Have restarted the server several times, and never had problems with loss of data.But today,
after performing a query that was consuming a lot of machine, stopped the database, and when I started,
data from
some columns were blank. How can it, will the data were still uncommitted?
when performing a query the MonetDB changes the data or reorganized? which may have occurred, I am concerned.

Luciano Sasso Vieira
Gestor - Inteligência de Negócios

luciano@gsgroup.com.br   |   tel: 17 3353-0833   |   cel: 17 9706-9335

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