web02# which python
python: Command not found.

It's not located in my env, although I've compiled version 2.3, strange...

On 1/20/06, Fabian Groffen <Fabian.Groffen@cwi.nl> wrote:
On 20-01-2006 14:01:45 +0100, Arnoud Vermeer wrote:
> The last gmake was from the nightly build of yesterday.
> The build from today completes the gmake without errors ! :D

Congats :)
> web02# locate bin/python
> /usr/local/bin/python- shared2.3
> /usr/local/bin/python2.3

What is the output of `which python`?
Apart from that, there are some tests known to fail right now, so it
won't be completely succesful.