         I am using ALGODEBUG THRprintf for printing & updating the MonetDB/MonetDB/src/gdk/gdk_relop.mx file but then also after installing monetdb I am unable to find any change in the output when I run monetdb in debug mode = 2097152.
I have source code of monetDB & a script named as monetdb-install.sh
I firstly run this script as ./monetdb-install.sh --enable-xquery.

after its procedure gets completed i need to install few more things with the help of synaptic manager, that are as follows:
1) libmonetdb4-xquery0
2) monetdb4-server
3) monetdb5-sever
4) libmonetdb4-server4
5) libmonetdb5-sever5
6) libmonetdb-client1
7) libmonetdb1
8) monetdb-client
9) monetdb-xquery

Previously i was trying to use ecllipse c/c++ version to run monetdb but i wasn't able to find the way of doing so. thats the reason I m doing the change in the source code & installing it again .
But now also I cann't see the changes which I m making in source code .
plz if anyone can tell me that why is it not working correctly & how can I make it work correctly.

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