Ubuntu & Debian Easy Setup

Step 1

Install MonetDB

Create a file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/monetdb.list with the following contents (replacing "suite" with your system's code name which you may be able to get by running the command lsb_release -cs):

deb https://dev.monetdb.org/downloads/deb/ suite monetdb
deb-src https://dev.monetdb.org/downloads/deb/ suite monetdb

Then issue the following command to install the MonetDB GPG public key:

sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/monetdb.gpg https://dev.monetdb.org/downloads/MonetDB-GPG-KEY.gpg

Check that you installed the correct file by using

sudo apt-key finger

Check that the output for the file /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/monetdb.gpg contains the correct fingerprint: 8289 A5F5 75C4 9F50 22F8 EE20 F654 63E2 DF0E 54F3 for packages before 11.49.X and DBCE 5625 94D7 1959 7B54 CE85 3F1A D47F 5521 A603 for packages starting with 11.49.X.

After this, you can use apt to install the MonetDB packages. First run:

sudo apt update

To install MonetDB/SQL, use the command:

sudo apt install monetdb5-sql monetdb-client

If you wish (and your system uses it), you can have systemd manage the MonetDB service. If you do, the databases will be in /var/monetdb5/dbfarm:

sudo systemctl enable monetdbd
sudo systemctl start monetdbd

Add any users who are allowed to run a database server to the monetdb group, which was automatically created in the previous step. This command does that for the current user:

sudo usermod -a -G monetdb $USER

Then log out and back in again to activate this change. After this you can run monetdbd or mserver5.

Step 2

Hello World!

Verify the correct installation of MonetDB.

Create and start a new farm where you can store different databases.

shell> monetdbd create /path/to/mydbfarm
shell> monetdbd start /path/to/mydbfarm

Create and release a Database (default in maintenance mode)

shell> monetdb create mydb
shell> monetdb release mydb

Connect to the database with the following credentials:

default user: monetdb

default password: monetdb

shell> mclient -u monetdb -d mydb

Perform the first query

sql> SELECT 'hello world';

    | single_value  |
    | hello world   |
    1 tuple

Remember to close the query with semicolon

Terminate the connection with the server

sql> \q

Step 3

Have Fun

Now it's time to discover some more advanced features of MonetDB. Go to see our Introduction to MonetDB in the documentation section to discover, among others:

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