Ruby Library

Ruby is a well-known language geared at supporting web-based applications. MonetDB can act as a backend server using the basic API. A Ruby-on-rails driver is currently not available.

Download the MonetDB Ruby repository and build a gem file starting from the given gemspec:

gem build monetdb-sql.gemspec



Then install the resulting gem with the command:

gem install --local monetdb-sql-1.2.gem

A simple Ruby example

require_relative 'MonetDB'

conn =
conn.connect(user = "monetdb", passwd = "monetdb", lang = "sql", host="", port = 50000, database_connection_name = "demo", auth_type = "SHA1")

result =conn.query("SELECT 1")

result.each_record do |record|
  puts record

An elaborate Ruby example

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI, August 2008 - 2020 MonetDB B.V.

require_relative 'MonetDB'

def print_result(result, message="")
	puts message
	puts "========"
	result.each_record do |record|
		puts record
	puts "========"

def get_database_connection
	database_connection =
	database_connection.connect(user = "monetdb", passwd = "monetdb", lang = "sql", host="", port = 50000, database_connection_name = "testdatabase2", auth_type = "SHA1")
	return database_connection

# Connect to the database. This assumes you have a MonetDB server
# running with a database called testdatabase2
db = get_database_connection

# Add a table and some data to the database
db.query("CREATE TABLE testtable (testnumber INTEGER)")
db.query("INSERT INTO testtable(testnumber) VALUES (1)")
db.query("INSERT INTO testtable(testnumber) VALUES (2)")

# Get some data from the database
result = db.query("SELECT * FROM testtable")
print_result(result, "Showing all data in table")

# Use of autocommit
db.query("INSERT INTO testtable(testnumber) VALUES (100)")
db.query("INSERT INTO testtable(testnumber) VALUES (101)")
result = db.query("SELECT * FROM testtable")
print_result(result, "First connection: 100 and 101 have not yet been saved, but are shown because they were added by the same connection")

# Show that the data is not really in the database yet
db2 = get_database_connection
result = db2.query("SELECT * FROM testtable")
print_result(result, "Second connection: 100 and 101 are not shown, because autocommit is off and it is a different connection")

# Save the database data
result = db2.query("SELECT * FROM testtable")
print_result(result, "Second connection: 100 and 101 are shown now, because they were committed in db connection 1")

# Get the data with other public interface methods
puts "number of rows: #{result.num_rows}"
puts "Fetch all: #{result.fetch_all}"
puts "As column hash: #{result.fetch_all_as_column_hash}"
puts "Iterate one at a time: #{result.fetch}"
result.reset_index # restart the iterator used in the single fetch methods
puts "Iterate one at a time as hash: #{result.fetch_hash}"

# close the connection
db.query("DROP TABLE testtable")