System Procedures

sys.analyze(minmax int, samplesize bigint)create or update sys.statistics data for all tables in all schemas. When minmax is 0 the expensive unique count operation is not performed. When samplesize is > 0 only the specified sample size number of rows are analysed. Warning: Execution could take a long time depending on the size of your sys.analyze(0, 4000);
sys.analyze(minmax int, samplesize bigint, sch string)create or update sys.statistics data for all tables data in schema sch. When minmax is 0 the expensive unique count operation is not performed. When samplesize is > 0 only the specified sample size number of rows are sys.analyze(1, 0, 'schema_1');
sys.analyze(minmax int, samplesize bigint, sch string, tbl string)create or update sys.statistics data of table tbl in schema sch. When minmax is 0 the expensive unique count operation is not performed. When samplesize is > 0 only the specified sample size number of rows are sys.analyze(1, 0, 'schema_1', 'table_1');
sys.analyze(minmax int, samplesize bigint, sch string, tbl string, col string)create or update sys.statistics data of column col in table tbl in schema sch. When minmax is 0 the expensive unique count operation is not performed. When samplesize is > 0 only the specified sample size number of rows are sys.analyze(1, 0, 'schema_1', 'table_1', 'column_1');
sys.clearrejects()clear the rejects table from possible errors encoutered from previous COPY INTO tbl FROM 'datafile.csv' ... BEST EFFORT executioncall sys.clearrejects();
sys.createorderindex(schm string, tabl string, col string)create an ordered index on a specific column. The index name and location will be determined based on the schema name, table name and column sys.createorderindex('schema_1', 'table_1', 'column_1');
sys.droporderindex(schm string, tabl string, col string)remove a previously created ordered indexcall sys.droporderindex('schema_1', 'table_1', 'column_1');
sys.eval(stmt string)evaluate and execute SQL statement provided as a string parameter. Note: This procedure is available since Jul2021 release and only for users with administrator sys.eval('SELECT pi();')
sys.hot_snapshot(tarfile string)write a snapshot (a binary copy of all data files) of the database into a (potentially very big) tar file. Optionally the tar file can be compressed by adding an extra file name suffix .lz4 or .gz or .bz2 or .xz. See HotBackup for sys.hot_snapshot('/tmp/snapshot.tar.gz');
sys.pause(tag bigint)pause the execution of a (long) running statement using its tag id. run query: select * from sys.queue; to list the running statementscall sys.pause(842);
sys.querylog(filename string)use file filename to log queriescall sys.querylog('/tmp/log.txt');
sys.resume(tag bigint)resume execution of a previouly paused statementcall sys.resume(842);
sys.resume_log_flushing()resume logging queries of a previouly suspended query logcall sys.resume_log_flushing();
sys.shutdown(delay tinyint)close all other client connections after delay secondscall sys.shutdown(20);
sys.shutdown(delay tinyint, force bool)close all other client connections after delay seconds. If force is set, always stop the system the hard waycall sys.shutdown(20, true);
sys.stop(tag bigint)stop/abort execution of a running statementcall sys.stop(842);
sys.storagemodelinit()initialize the data for the storage modelcall sys.storagemodelinit();
sys.suspend_log_flushing()suspend logging of queriescall sys.suspend_log_flushing();