Datagrip is a database IDE that is
tailored to suit the specific needs of professional SQL developers. It offers
multiple state of the art features and has a large user base. While we
are working on adding full support for MonetDB, basic support is already
available through the instructions provided below.
Download the JDBC driver JAR
Go to our Downloads page and get the latest MonetDB JDBC driver from the
list. You can save it in your desired location. That could be inside a specific
project's directory, or a global location if you wish it to remain available
for multiple projects, even after the current one's deletion.

Open Datagrip
Open Datagrip and select an existing project, or create a new one by
following the application's instructions.
Connect your database
Set Driver details
- Open your project's Database Explorer.
- Press on the top left corner's + button.

- Go to Name and add a name for your monetDB driver.
- Go to Driver Files and select the top left corner's + button.
- Select Custom JARs from the dropdown.

- Navigate to the location you previously saved your JDBC driver JAR and
select it.
- Go to Class and select org.monetdb.jdbc.MonetDriver from the dropdown.

- The driver setup is now finished and you will NOT be required to repeat this process for future projects or databases.
Set Connection details
- Select Create Data Source from the bottom of the previous page.

- Go to Name and add a name for your monetDB database of choice
- Choose User & Password as the authentication method.
- Enter your credentials. Here we are using the default monetdb for both.
- Enter your database URL. Here we are attempting a connection to a database
named testDB, using the default port, so: jdbc:monetdb://localhost/testDB.

- Click OK or Test Connection.

- You can repeat this last process for any other MonetDB databases you wish to
Use your database
- After clicking OK on the previous step, a new console should automatically
open, where you can execute a test query.
- Also you can inspect your database through the Database Explorer.