
Database: MonetDB v11.27.11 (Jul2017-SP3)

I am experiencing a crash when attempting to use an aggregate function inside a case statement in a having clause.  Below is an example.  One use case for this is that I am computing a formula on aggregated data, and want to ensure no divide by zero occurs.  Are case statements in having clauses supported?  Thanks!

create table "t1" (
    "id" int,
    "c1" varchar(100),
    "d1" int,
    "d2" int

insert into "t1" values
(1, 'A', 50, 80),
(2, 'A', 200, 350),
(3, 'A', 89, 125),
(4, 'B', 4845, 13),
(5, 'B', 194, 597),
(6, 'C', 5636, 5802),
(7, 'C', 375, 3405),
(7, 'D', 365, 0),
(7, 'D', 87, 0);

-- Works
    sum("d1") as "d1",
    sum("d2") as "d2"
from "t1"
group by "c1"
having sum("d1") < case when 5 > 10 then 500 else 400 end;

-- Works
    sum("d1")as "d1",
    sum("d2") as "d2",
    1.0 * sum("d1") / (1.0 * case when sum("d2") > 0 then sum("d2") else null end) as "formula"
from "t1"
group by "c1";

-- Crashes
    sum("d1")as "d1",
    sum("d2") as "d2",
    1.0 * sum("d1") / (1.0 * case when sum("d2") > 0 then sum("d2") else null end) as "formula"
from "t1"
group by "c1"
having (1.0 * sum("d1") / (1.0 * case when sum("d2") > 0 then sum("d2") else null end)) > 1;

Looking in merovingian.log:

2018-01-29 14:47:15 ERR test[2879]: *** Error in `/usr/bin/mserver5': double free or corruption (out): 0x00007f57200ea4b0 ***
2018-01-29 14:47:18 MSG merovingian[504]: database 'test' (2879) has crashed (dumped core)
2018-01-29 14:49:35 MSG merovingian[504]: database 'test' has crashed after start on 2018-01-29 14:42:36, attempting restart, up min/avg/max: 0s/0s/0s, crash average: 1.00 0.20 0.07 (2-0=2)