Hi Panos,

I just opened a bug with a reduced schema and query.




Il 18/07/19 11:25, Panagiotis Koutsourakis ha scritto:
Hello Enrico,

This does seem like a bug to me, so please open a bug on the bug tracker. If possible please mention the database schema and the queries you used so that we can reproduce the problem.

Best regards,


I recently update to April 2019 version (with yum) the monetdb container created 
from monetdb/monetdb-r-docker:aug2018 image.

Now the query auto generated from Mondrian MDX failed to retrive all records 
from star schema and only one of the child table of the merged is considered.
The fact table is merged from year-child tables, non partitioned (like previous 
monetdb aug2018 version).
Looking at query plan only one of the child table is referenced.
The failing query also contain two alias of a single view, joined via bridge 
table, which seems causing the odd behaviour: changing the alias (one or both) 
from the view to the underlying table resolve the issue.
Any ideas how investigate further or may I fill a bug?


original query:

"dim_periodi"."year4" as "c0",
"gruppi"."codice" as "c1",
count(*) as "m0"
from "dw_hospital"."dim_periodi" as "dim_periodi",
"dw_hospital"."facts_costi" as "facts_costi",
"dw_hospital"."v_dim_classi_movimenti" as "gruppi",
"dw_hospital"."bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti" as "bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti",
"dw_hospital"."v_dim_classi_movimenti" as "classi"
where "facts_costi"."periodo_id" = "dim_periodi"."id"
and "facts_costi"."classe_movimento_id" = "classi"."id"
and "classi"."id" = "bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti"."classe_movimento_id"
and "bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti"."gruppo_classe_movimento_id" = "gruppi"."id"
and "gruppi"."codice" = '1103'
group by "dim_periodi"."year4","gruppi"."codice"


c0    c1    m0
2019  1103  152202

query plan:

project (
| group by (
| | project (
| | | group by (
| | | | project (
| | | | | group by (
| | | | | | project (
| | | | | | | group by (
| | | | | | | | project (
| | | | | | | | | join (
| | | | | | | | | | project (
| | | | | | | | | | | join (
| | | | | | | | | | | | crossproduct (
| | | | | | | | | | | | | join (
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | table(dw_hospital.bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti) [ 
"bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti"."classe_movimento_id" NOT NULL HASHCOL , 
"bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti"."gruppo_classe_movimento_id" NOT NULL ] COUNT ,
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | select (
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | table(dw_hospital.dim_classi_movimenti) [ 
"dim_classi_movimenti"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL , "dim_classi_movimenti"."codice" 
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | ) [ "dim_classi_movimenti"."codice" NOT NULL = 
varchar(16) "1103" ]
| | | | | | | | | | | | | ) [ 
"bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti"."gruppo_classe_movimento_id" NOT NULL = 
"dim_classi_movimenti"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  ],
| | | | | | | | | | | | | table(dw_hospital.facts_costi_2019) [ 
"facts_costi_2019"."periodo_id" NOT NULL as "facts_costi"."periodo_id", 
"facts_costi_2019"."classe_movimento_id" NOT NULL as 
"facts_costi"."classe_movimento_id" ] COUNT
| | | | | | | | | | | | ) [  ],
| | | | | | | | | | | | table(dw_hospital.dim_periodi) [ "dim_periodi"."id" NOT 
NULL HASHCOL , "dim_periodi"."year4" NOT NULL ] COUNT
| | | | | | | | | | | ) [ "facts_costi"."periodo_id" NOT NULL = 
"dim_periodi"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  ]
| | | | | | | | | | ) [ "bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti"."classe_movimento_id" NOT 
NULL HASHCOL , "bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti"."gruppo_classe_movimento_id" NOT 
NULL, "dim_classi_movimenti"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  as "L2"."id", 
"dim_classi_movimenti"."codice" NOT NULL as "L4"."codice", "dim_periodi"."id" 
NOT NULL HASHCOL , "dim_periodi"."year4" NOT NULL, "facts_costi"."periodo_id" 
NOT NULL, "facts_costi"."classe_movimento_id" NOT NULL ],
| | | | | | | | | | table(dw_hospital.dim_classi_movimenti) [ 
"dim_classi_movimenti"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  ] COUNT
| | | | | | | | | ) [ "facts_costi"."classe_movimento_id" NOT NULL = 
"dim_classi_movimenti"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL , "dim_classi_movimenti"."id" NOT 
NULL HASHCOL  = "bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti"."classe_movimento_id" NOT NULL 
| | | | | | | | ) [ "dim_periodi"."year4" NOT NULL, 
"facts_costi"."classe_movimento_id" NOT NULL, "L4"."codice" NOT NULL as 
"gruppi"."codice", "bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti"."classe_movimento_id" NOT NULL 
HASHCOL , "dim_classi_movimenti"."id" NOT NULL HASHCOL  as "classi"."id" ]
| | | | | | | ) [ "dim_periodi"."year4" NOT NULL, "gruppi"."codice" NOT NULL ] [ 
"dim_periodi"."year4" NOT NULL, "gruppi"."codice" NOT NULL, sys.count() NOT NULL 
as "L76"."L76" ]
| | | | | | ) [ "dim_periodi"."year4" NOT NULL, "gruppi"."codice" NOT NULL, 
"L76"."L76" ]
| | | | | ) [ "dim_periodi"."year4" NOT NULL, "gruppi"."codice" NOT NULL ] [ 
"dim_periodi"."year4" NOT NULL, "gruppi"."codice" NOT NULL, sys.sum no nil 
("L76"."L76") as "L76"."L76" ]
| | | | ) [ "dim_periodi"."year4" NOT NULL, "gruppi"."codice" NOT NULL, 
"L76"."L76" ]
| | | ) [ "dim_periodi"."year4" NOT NULL, "gruppi"."codice" NOT NULL ] [ 
"dim_periodi"."year4" NOT NULL, "gruppi"."codice" NOT NULL, sys.sum no nil 
("L76"."L76") as "L76"."L76" ]
| | ) [ "dim_periodi"."year4" NOT NULL, "gruppi"."codice" NOT NULL, "L76"."L76" ]
| ) [ "dim_periodi"."year4" NOT NULL, "gruppi"."codice" NOT NULL ] [ 
"dim_periodi"."year4" NOT NULL, "gruppi"."codice" NOT NULL, sys.sum no nil 
("L76"."L76") as "L76"."L76" ]
) [ "dim_periodi"."year4" NOT NULL as "L72"."c0", "gruppi"."codice" NOT NULL as 
"L74"."c1", "L76"."L76" NOT NULL as "L77"."m0" ]

slightly modified query: use of "dim_classi_movimenti" instead 

"dim_periodi"."year4" as "c0",
"gruppi"."codice" as "c1",
count(*) as "m0"
from "dw_hospital"."dim_periodi" as "dim_periodi",
"dw_hospital"."facts_costi" as "facts_costi",
"dw_hospital"."dim_classi_movimenti" as "gruppi",
"dw_hospital"."bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti" as "bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti",
"dw_hospital"."dim_classi_movimenti" as "classi"
where "facts_costi"."periodo_id" = "dim_periodi"."id"
and "facts_costi"."classe_movimento_id" = "classi"."id"
and "classi"."id" = "bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti"."classe_movimento_id"
and "bri_classi_gruppi_movimenti"."gruppo_classe_movimento_id" = "gruppi"."id"
and "gruppi"."codice" = '1103'
group by "dim_periodi"."year4","gruppi"."codice"


c0    c1    m0
2000  1103  69743
2001  1103  195770
2002  1103  224634
2003  1103  232636
2004  1103  239884
2005  1103  238547
2006  1103  239546
2007  1103  243460
2008  1103  246955
2009  1103  147065
2010  1103  218059
2011  1103  214932
2012  1103  202381
2013  1103  200803
2014  1103  208968
2015  1103  173349
2016  1103  205914
2017  1103  221103
2018  1103  332020
2019  1103  152202

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Ciao Enrico ------------------------------------------- Enrico Maria Carmona U.O. Controllo di Gestione e Programmazione Ospedale San Gerardo Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale Monza Tel. 039-233-9077 email: e.carmona@asst-monza.it https://twitter.com/enricomariam42 Authors, like coins, grow dear as they grow old. -- Alexander Pope (1688-1744) -- Satires, Epistles, and Odes of Horace, Epistle i, Book ii, Line 35