Hi Dru,

the decimal scale information is only maintained in the SQL catalog and
given that decimals are stored as integers in MonetDB, neither the MonetDB kernel,
nor MAL usually need to know about decimals or their scale.

Hence, the question is, whether/why your aggregate functions would need to know about
decimals or their scale?


Dru Nelson <drudru@gmail.com> wrote:

I"m working on writing an aggregate in in C that is a MAL function. I've run into a problem with decimal types.

I've noticed that when I inspect the BAT inputs for various types, they are coerced to
simpler types. (flt,dbl -> dbl). (int, decimal -> int). There is also no other information in the BAT structure to see the type.

I notice that a SQL select gets the type info passed in as parameters for the 'exportValue' output.

For example:
>  sql.exportValue(1,".","second_single_value","decimal",9,3,8,_4,"");      
How can I get this type information ('decimal', etc.) passed into my function?


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