I need to build all of the RPMs for MonetDB.  I don't really have a choice in this - building from scratch on the machine it will be deployed on is (contractually) not an option in this case.

I can build everything fine.  For instance, from source directory:

mkdir build; cd build
../configure strict=no assert=no debug=no optimize=yes
make install
make rpm

On the machine I build on, I can go to mclient and execute something like:
sql>CREATE TABLE forests(id INT,name TEXT,shape MULTIPOLYGON);
operation successful (20.620ms)

On the machine that I install RPMs on, I get this:
sql>CREATE TABLE forests(id INT,name TEXT,shape MULTIPOLYGON);
22000!type (multipolygon) unknown in: "create table forests(id int,name text,shape multipolygon)"

Anyone know how to get the RPMs to build with geospatial support??

